In: Operations Management
Fill in and write the details on Business Model Canvas (BMC) for Copywriting services
Business Model Canvas for Copyrighting service. Copyright service is mostly used in social networking sites and newspapers, magazines, and in different companies in various processes.
1) Customer Segments:- Who will be the customer
2) Value Propositions:- Why will the customer use this product?
3) Channels:- How the product or service is promoted
4) Customer Relationships:- Interaction with the customer
5) Revenue Streams:- From the Value of Propositions how the revenue is
6) Key Activities:- Strategies to promote the business and service
7) Key Resources:- Unique strategic assets for the customer
8) Key Partner:- Company service deals with
9) Cost Structure:- Cost strategy for the customer
Conclusion :-
Business Model Canvas has nine elements and which transparency to your team to make understanding easier