
In: Mechanical Engineering

1. Describe the purpose of design guideline of VDI-2206 and VDI-2221. 2.Describe how VDI-2221 and 2206...

1. Describe the purpose of design guideline of VDI-2206 and VDI-2221.

2.Describe how VDI-2221 and 2206 can be implmented concurrently

3. Describe importance of developing a function block diagram in context of systematic design


Expert Solution

1. Describe the purpose of design guideline of VDI-2206 and VDI-2221.

Answer. The aim of the guideline is to support the cross-domain design of mechatronic systems in a systematic way. Procedures, methods and tools for the early phase of design are explained with a special focus on the system design.

The result of the system design is the reliable concept of a mechatronic system, that is, its prineipally defined and verificated resp. validated solution. According to the design task and the risk consideration different grades of validation are neeessary: The validation of the design can be done with the help of a virtual prototype, a partly real or a completely real prototype. The guideline refers with preference to mechatronic systems which consist of discrete mechanical and elecetronie components in symbiosis with information technology. The guideline is supposed to structure the variety of findings which have been developed through research and industrial applications in the last years.The guideline is supposed to structure the variety of findings which have been developed through research and industrial applications in the last years and to access them to the practician in a concise and understandable way.

The VDI 2206, “Development methodology for mechatronic systems” and the 3-cycle-model of Product Design are considering restrictions of the production system at an early phase of the product development and also integrate elements of production system development into the product development procedure in a simultaneous manner. The VDI 2206 outlines the parallel design of product and production.

Models of product and production shall support this integrative approach. Following the V-cycles, product and production systems are specified and lead to in series producible products with affiliated production systems. Summarized the VDI 2206 concludes that the integration of different product development domains must also include the integration of their production systems

The new guideline will complement the VDI 2221 guidelines. In analogy to the VDI 2221 which deals with universally valid, line-independent bases for the methodical design, the VDI 2206 describes the methodology for the design of mechatronic systems.

the VDI guideline 2221 (Systematic approach to the development and design of technical systems and products) do not emphasize explicit phases of production system development. These approaches consider the product development procedure as a concluded iterative sequence. Neither the integration nor the consideration of restrictions or feedback of the assigned production system in an early phase of the product development are explicitly emphasized. Considerations regarding the envisioned manufacturing process however are included. This includes the description of the production process by working plans, bill of materials and operating instructions. The production system development, respectively the adaption of manufacturing means are regarded as downstream processes, which are executed by the production planning department. this kind of procedure is still a common approach in industrial practice.

The resulting guideline supports the development of the lecture from the idea to the final documents. The clear structure of the developed guideline ensures the processing of all important tasks, the scheduling of the different efforts and the documentation of the course. The usage of the new guideline is validated by using it for the development of a course by a team of distributed lecturers. The lecturers found the guideline very helpful when developing the lecture and it will also be useful when developing the lecture further. Even if the structure of the guideline is strictly defined it is easy to customise.

2.Describe how VDI-2221 and 2206 can be implmented concurrently

Answer. The new guideline enables a concurrent approach due to the modularisation of the instruction topics. The clear definition of the results that are produced during the development process enables an easier communication of the objectives to the student and forces the documentation of the lecture. This is of course useful for both the students and the lecturers when preparing the examination. The drawback of the methodology is the overhead for following the guideline and producing the needed documents in every stage but the advantages of using the methodology is much greater than the overhead disadvantages. Although the guideline is well structured, the frame is open for future adaptation to other courses and lectures.

both methods use customer information as an initial starting point, but none of them
explicitly provides support to continuously assure and enhance customer orientation during all design
phases, particularly during conceptual design. figure 1 & 2 illustrated about individual steps of their guidelines.

Quality Function Development (QFD) is an overall concept that aims at an enhanced consideration of the customer’s voice in every step of the product design process. QFD is a matrix-based approach to improve the customer’s perception of the ratio between benefit and cost of a product. Due to the orientation on the voice of the customer, QFD leads to fewer changes in product development projects.
Furthermore, the method promotes a high integration of the various highly specialized company departments during the product development process. it uses four matrices for the design stages “Product Planning”, “Part Planning”, “Process Planning” and “Production Planning”. Due to the appearance of the matrices, they are called “Houses of Quality” (HoQ). The development of the HoQ data comprises several steps, the results of which are documented in the according fields shown in Figure 3.

the different steps for the development of a HoQ I are described below.
Step 1:Identify customer needs. This step is crucial for the success of the product and has to be accomplished very carefully. It is very important to discover not only explicitly expressed needs but also unexpressed needs (e.g. exciting needs according to Kano [Matzler 1998]).
Step 2: Structure the needs and prioritize them.
Step 3: Analyze customer perception of the fulfillment of customer needs. Therefore the current product (when existing) is compared to those of the competitors.
Step 4: Identify Engineering Characteristics. In this step the QFD team tries to translate the customer needs into Engineering Characteristics. The team has to identify the Engineering Characteristics which affect and fulfill the customer wishes.
Step 5: Determine the optimization direction of the Engineering Characteristics. Which direction of changing the Engineering Characteristics would lead to an improved perception of benefit for the customer?
Step 6: Identify the correlations of the Engineering Characteristics with themselves (in the so called ”roof-matrix”).
Step 7: Develop the relationship matrix. For this purpose the QFD-team considers, how strongly the customer needs are influenced by the different design characteristics.
Step 8: Compare Engineering Characteristics of the current product (when existing) with competing products.
Step 9: Calculate the importance of the Engineering Characteristics.
weight of characteristic = weight of customer need * relationship with characteristic

Step 10: Determine the target values of the Engineering Characteristics.

3. Describe importance of developing a function block diagram in context of systematic design

Answer. Systemic Design can effectively integrate systems thinking with design to address this complexity, by creating new resilient systems moving towards sustainability at environmental, social and economic level.

The importance of developing a function block diagramis to identify the design logic and procedures

Note: if there is any thing unanswered or unexplained or not understable please leave a comment...needful will be provided.

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