
In: Anatomy and Physiology

*4) Which of the following would we expect with a patient with glomerular nephritis? ( A)...

*4) Which of the following would we expect with a patient with glomerular nephritis? (

A) A filtration pressure of 20 mm Hg due to CHP being elevated

B) A filtration pressure of 20 mm Hg due to GCP being elevated

C) A filtration pressure of 5 mm Hg due to BCOP being elevated

D) A filtration pressure of 20 mm Hg due to BCOP being elevated E) A filtration pressure of 5 mm Hg due to CHP being elevated

6. The daily glomerular filtration rate is equal to

A) 650 L

B) 125 mL

C) 125 L

D) 1176 mL

E) 180 L

29) Which of the following situations would cause the body to increase bicarbonate reabsorption?

A) Increased secretion of urea

B) Hyperventilation

C) Hypoventilation

D) Decreased calcium reabsorption

E) Increased calcium reabsorption


Expert Solution

4) D) A filtration pressure of 20 mm Hg due to BCOP being elevated


Glomerular nephritis results in loss of protein in the urine due protein filtration through glomerulus. this increases the Osmotic pressure of the filtered fluid of the bowmens capsule that helps to increase the net filtration pressure from 10 mmHg to 20 mmHg

Net filtration pressure= glomerular hydrostatic pressure - glomerular colloid osmotic pressure - capsular hydrostatic pressure + capsular colloid osmotic pressure.

Pressure favoring filtration are:
-glomerular hydrostatic pressure ( GHP)
- Bowmen capsular colloid osmotic pressure ( BCOP

Pressure opposing filtration are:
- glomerular colloid osmotic pressure (GCOP)
- Bowmens capsular hydrostatic pressure( BCP)

6. E) 180 L

Explanation: 600 mL of blood is filtered per minute. hence daily 180 L of blood is filtered througg the kidney but 99% of the filtrate is reabsorbed and only 1-1.5 filtrate is excreted as urine.

29) C) Hypoventilation

Explanation: Hypoventilation results in accumulation/retention of the CO2 in the blood as decrease rate and depth of respiration results in lower CO2 expulsion to outside.

As CO2 level in blood is high, it combines with water to form H+ and bicarbonate ion. H+ ions decreases the blood pH and causes respiratory acidosis. Kidney compensate this acidosis by increasing the bicarbonate reabsorption.

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