
In: Computer Science

Part 2: Use MySQL Workbench to add a table to your database on the class server...

Part 2:

  1. Use MySQL Workbench to add a table to your database on the class server and name the table “Person”. Include these fields in the Person table:

Field Name


Data Type

Sample Value


User’s login name




User’s first name




User’s last name




Filename of the user’s picture




User’s biography


Bob is the best!

LoginID should be the Primary Key of the table.

Add at least ten records to the Person table.

  1. Add a Persons page, named person.php. This page should display the contents of your Person table in an HTML table by using SQL to read records from the database table. Use linked styles to decorate the page background, all headers and table cell contents. E.g., font family, font size, color, etc. Place the .css file in an appropriate application subdirectory as in the class examples.


Expert Solution

This demonstration is using MySQL Workbench.

1.Table Name :Person
create table Person(
LoginID varchar(10),
FirstName varchar(50),
LastName varchar(50),
PicUrl varchar(50),
Bio varchar(255),
Primary key (LoginID));

/*adding records to person table*/
insert into Person values ('ViratKohli','Virat','Kohli','Image1.jpg','Virat is the best ODI Player!');
insert into Person values ('MSDhoni','MS','Dhoni','Image2.jpg','Dhoni is the best Indian Captain!');
insert into Person values ('RSharma','Rohit','Sharma','Image3.jpg','Rohit is the best ODI Opener!');
insert into Person values ('RPonting','Rickey','Ponting','Image4.jpg','Rickey is the best Australian Captain!');
insert into Person values ('ShaneWarne','Shane','Warne','Image5.jpg','Shane is the best Spinner!');
insert into Person values ('MichBaven','Michel','Bevan','Image6.jpg','Michel is the best ODI finisher!');
insert into Person values ('KLRahul','KL','Rahul','Image7.jpg','KL is the best TWI Player!');
insert into Person values ('JamesBond','James','Bond','Image8.jpg','James is the best ODI Bowler!');
insert into Person values ('AjjuRahane','Ajinkya','Rahane','Image9.jpg','Ajinkya is the best Test Player!');
insert into Person values ('EionMorgan','Eion','Morgan','Image10.jpg','Eion is the best ODI Captain for England!');

/*selecting reocrds from Person table*/
select * from person;

Screen in MySQL Workbench :


Person.php :


//database connection

$servername = "localhost";//server name

$username = "root";//username

$password = "";//password left blank

$database="personsDB";//database name

$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password,$database);


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


        <!-- title for web page -->

        <title>Person Table</title>

        <meta charset="UTF-8">

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <!-- link is used to refer t o external css -->

        <link href="person.css" rel="stylesheet">




        <caption>Person Details</caption>









             //SQL query to get person table data

    $query = "select LoginID,FirstName,LastName,PicUrl,Bio from person;";

    if ($result = $conn->query($query)) {

    while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {  

    $LoginID = $row["LoginID"];//get LoginID

    $FirstName = $row["FirstName"];//get FirstName

    $LastName = $row["LastName"];//get LastName

    $PicUrl = $row["PicUrl"];//get OicUrl

    $Bio = $row["Bio"];//get Bio



        <td><?php echo $LoginID  ?></td>

        <td><?php echo $FirstName  ?></td>

        <td><?php echo $LastName  ?></td>

        <td><img src='<?php echo $PicUrl  ?>'/></td>

        <td><?php echo $Bio  ?></td>












Person.css :

/* style rule for body */




/* style rule for table , td , th */


    border: 2px solid red;

    border-collapse: collapse;


/* style rule for caption */


    font-size: 20px;

    color: brown;

    font-weight: bolder;


/* style rule for alternate row */


    background-color:maroon ;

    color: white;



    background-color:violet ;

    color: white;


/* style for img */


    width: 50px;

    height: 50px;



Output :

NOTE :All images are shown for demonstration purpose only.Make required changes.

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