In: Computer Science
DROP DATABASE class;CREATE DATABASE class;Use class;drop table if exists Class;drop table if exists Student;CREATE TABLE Class (CIN int PRIMARY KEY, FirstName varchar(255), LastName varchar(255), Gender varchar(1), EyeColor varchar(50), HairColor varchar(50), HeightInches int,CurrentGrade varchar(1));CREATE TABLE Student (SSN int PRIMARY KEY,FirstName varchar(255),LastName varchar(255), Age int,BirthMonth varchar(255),HeightInches int,Address varchar(255),City varchar(255),PhoneNumber varchar(12),Email varchar(255),FavColor varchar(255),FavNumber int);INSERT INTO Class VALUES(1, "David", "San", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 72, "-");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(2, "Jeff", "Gonzales", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 68, "B");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(3, "Anna", "Grayson", "F", "BRN", "BRN", 62, "A");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(4, "Kathryn", "Moloney", "F", "GRN", "BLK", 68, "B");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(5, "Randy", "Bernard", "M", "GRN", "BRN", 69, "A");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(6, "Andy", "Lam", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 59, "C");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(7, "Makoto", "Yuki", "F", "BRN", "BRN", 61, "A");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(8, "Pranil", "Watakana", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 63, "D");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(9, "Pierce", "Santos", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 74, "B");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(10, "Soliel", "Estrada", "F", "BRN", "BLU", 66, "B");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(11, "Jeff", "Bezos", "M", "BRN", "BRN", 65, "B");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(12, "Andy", "Chen", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 69, "A");INSERT INTO Class VALUES(13, "Makoto", "Amagi", "F", "BRN", "BRN", 64, "C");INSERT INTO Student VALUES(1, "David", "San", 22, "March", 72, "1234", "Flowerville", "231-246-4361", "[email protected]", "Blue", 7);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(2, "Randy", "Bernard", 21, "February", 69, "7123", "Rossette Park", "634-124-7452", "[email protected]", "Green", 12);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(3, "Andy", "Lam", 24, "December", 59, "9072", "Jefferson", "124-564-6354", "[email protected]", "Grey", 32);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(4, "Pranil", "Watakana", 23, "February", 63, "2146", "Rossette Park", "543-325-3521", "[email protected]", "Grey", 3);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(5, "Jeff", "Bezos", 22, "April", 65, "6312", "Grey Valley", "351-532-6439", "[email protected]", "Yellow", 0);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(6, "Makoto", "Amagi", 21, "September", 64, "39857", "Flowerville", "314-352-5321", "[email protected]", "Black", 3);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(7, "Jeff", "Gonzales", 20, "October", 68, "4361", "Flowerville", "231-342-5467", "[email protected]", "Blue", 21);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(8, "Anna", "Grayson", 21, "January", 62, "6543", "Rossette Park", "634-423-5763", "[email protected]", "Green", 12);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(9, "Kathryn", "Moloney", 24, "May", 68, "5437", "Jefferson", "124-684-4131", "[email protected]", "Grey", 3);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(10, "Makoto", "Yuki", 19, "April", 61, "75632", "Rossette Park", "543-354-6421", "[email protected]", "Grey", 7);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(11, "Pierce", "Santos", 21, "January", 74, "3543", "GreyValley", "351-542-7541", "[email protected]", "Yellow", 10);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(12, "Soliel", "Estrada", 20, "June", 66, "3754", "Flowerville", "314-325-6543", "[email protected]", "Black", 5);INSERT INTO Student VALUES(13, "Andy", "Chen", 22, "September", 69, "3865", "Flowerville", "314-231-4233", "[email protected]", "Black", 3);
To disable Safe Mode if prompted.
Not sure where to begin, as my instructor taught the theory but never any live coding session.
//creating the database and using it
Use class;
//creating the tables
drop table if exists Class;
drop table if exists Student;
FirstName varchar(255),
LastName varchar(255),
Gender varchar(1),
EyeColor varchar(50),
HairColor varchar(50),
HeightInches int,
CurrentGrade varchar(1));
FirstName varchar(255),
LastName varchar(255),
Age int,
BirthMonth varchar(255),
HeightInches int,
Address varchar(255),
City varchar(255),
PhoneNumber varchar(12),
Email varchar(255),
FavColor varchar(255),
FavNumber int);
//populating the tables
/*inserting in the Class table*/
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(1, "David", "San", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 72, "-");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(2, "Jeff", "Gonzales", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 68, "B");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(3, "Anna", "Grayson", "F", "BRN", "BRN", 62, "A");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(4, "Kathryn", "Moloney", "F", "GRN", "BLK", 68, "B");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(5, "Randy", "Bernard", "M", "GRN", "BRN", 69, "A");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(6, "Andy", "Lam", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 59, "C");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(7, "Makoto", "Yuki", "F", "BRN", "BRN", 61, "A");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(8, "Pranil", "Watakana", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 63, "D");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(9, "Pierce", "Santos", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 74, "B");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(10, "Soliel", "Estrada", "F", "BRN", "BLU", 66, "B");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(11, "Jeff", "Bezos", "M", "BRN", "BRN", 65, "B");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(12, "Andy", "Chen", "M", "BRN", "BLK", 69, "A");
INSERT INTO Class VALUES(13, "Makoto", "Amagi", "F", "BRN", "BRN", 64, "C");
/*inserting in the Student table*/
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(1, "David", "San", 22, "March", 72, "1234", "Flowerville", "231-246-4361", "[email protected]", "Blue", 7);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(2, "Randy", "Bernard", 21, "February", 69, "7123", "Rossette Park", "634-124-7452", "[email protected]", "Green", 12);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(3, "Andy", "Lam", 24, "December", 59, "9072", "Jefferson", "124-564-6354", "[email protected]", "Grey", 32);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(4, "Pranil", "Watakana", 23, "February", 63, "2146", "Rossette Park", "543-325-3521", "[email protected]", "Grey", 3);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(5, "Jeff", "Bezos", 22, "April", 65, "6312", "Grey Valley", "351-532-6439", "[email protected]", "Yellow", 0);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(6, "Makoto", "Amagi", 21, "September", 64, "39857", "Flowerville", "314-352-5321", "[email protected]", "Black", 3);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(7, "Jeff", "Gonzales", 20, "October", 68, "4361", "Flowerville", "231-342-5467", "[email protected]", "Blue", 21);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(8, "Anna", "Grayson", 21, "January", 62, "6543", "Rossette Park", "634-423-5763", "[email protected]", "Green", 12);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(9, "Kathryn", "Moloney", 24, "May", 68, "5437", "Jefferson", "124-684-4131", "[email protected]", "Grey", 3);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(10, "Makoto", "Yuki", 19, "April", 61, "75632", "Rossette Park", "543-354-6421", "[email protected]", "Grey", 7);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(11, "Pierce", "Santos", 21, "January", 74, "3543", "GreyValley", "351-542-7541", "[email protected]", "Yellow", 10);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(12, "Soliel", "Estrada", 20, "June", 66, "3754", "Flowerville", "314-325-6543", "[email protected]", "Black", 5);
INSERT INTO Student VALUES(13, "Andy", "Chen", 22, "September", 69, "3865", "Flowerville", "314-231-4233", "[email protected]", "Black", 3);
//SQL queries
/*Assign grades for students who lived in Rossette Park to be a B*/
UPDATE Class, Student SET Class.CurrentGrade = 'B' WHERE Student.FirstName = Class.FirstName AND Student.LastName = Class.LastName AND Student.City = 'Rossette Park';
/*Add another table for students who had an altered grade (in this case students who lived in Rossette Park)*/
/*Add the CIN, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Address, City, and Email of the students who had an altered grade to the table*/
CREATE TABLE altered_grade_table AS
SELECT Student.Age, Class.CIN, Student.FirstName, Student.LastName, Class.Gender, Student.Address, Student.City, Student.Email
FROM Class, Student
WHERE Student.FirstName = Class.FirstName and Student.LastName = Class.LastName and Student.City = 'Rossette Park';
/*Remove students from the student table who live in Rossette Park*/
DELETE FROM Student WHERE Student.City = 'Rossette Park';
/*Join all 3 tables and display the Names, Gender, and City of the students (Going to need to use ON)*/
SELECT altered_grade_table.FirstName, altered_grade_table.LastName, altered_grade_table.Gender, altered_grade_table.City FROM Class JOIN altered_grade_table ON Class.CIN = altered_grade_table.CIN JOIN Student ON altered_grade_table.SSN = Student.SSN;
/*This last code will give zero records as we have already deleted the common records from Student table so it won't be able to show the records*/