
In: Computer Science

Use Python Return a password string constructed with the following rules: (1) If there are only...

Use Python Return a password string constructed with the following rules:
(1) If there are only 0 or 1 numeric among 3 parameters, concatenate
the string form of all parameters directly.
(2) If there are 2 numeric parameters, calculate the sum of 2 numeric
values if they are both int, or calculate the product of them and round
to 2 decimal places if any of them is float. Finally, append this
sum/product to the string parameter.

You may assume that there will be at least 1 string parameter.

eg.>>> password_2("Marina", "Langlois", "20")
>>> password_2("Marina", "Langlois", 20)
>>> password_2("Elvy", True, 20)
>>> password_2(True, 20, "Elvy")
>>> password_2(20, 40, "Elvy")
>>> password_2(20, "Elvy", 3)
>>> password_2(2, 3.333, "Elvy")


Expert Solution

def password_2(var1, var2, var3):
    # count numeric
    if (isinstance(var1, int) or isinstance(var1, float)) and not(isinstance(var1, bool)):
    if (isinstance(var2, int) or isinstance(var2, float)) and not(isinstance(var2, bool)):
    if (isinstance(var3, int) or isinstance(var3, float)) and not(isinstance(var3, bool)):

    if countNumeric<=1:
        return str(var1)+str(var2)+str(var3)
    # check if two are strings
    if isinstance(var1, str) and isinstance(var2, str):
        return var1+var2+str(var3)
    elif isinstance(var2, str) and isinstance(var3, str):
        return str(var1)+var2+var3
    elif isinstance(var1, str) and isinstance(var3, str):
        return var1+str(var2)+var3
    # check if two are integer
    if isinstance(var1, int) and isinstance(var2, int):
        return var3+str(var1+var2)
    elif isinstance(var1, int) and isinstance(var3, int):
           return var2+str(var1+var3)
    elif isinstance(var2, int) and isinstance(var3, int):
        return var1+str(var2+var3)

    # check if one is integer another one is float
    if (isinstance(var1, int) and isinstance(var2, float)) or (isinstance(var2, int) and isinstance(var1, float)):
        return var3+str(round(var1*var2,2))
    elif (isinstance(var1, int) and isinstance(var3, float)) or (isinstance(var3, int) and isinstance(var1, float)):
           return var2+str(round(var1*var3,2))
    elif (isinstance(var2, int) and isinstance(var3, float)) or (isinstance(var3, int) and isinstance(var2, float)):
        return var1+str(round(var2*var3,2))

     # check if two are float
    if (isinstance(var1, float) and isinstance(var2, float)):
        return var3+str(round(var1*var2,2))
    elif (isinstance(var1, float) and isinstance(var3, float)):
           return var2+str(round(var1*var3,2))
    elif (isinstance(var2, float) and isinstance(var3, float)):
        return var1+str(round(var2*var3,2))

#driver code
# call the function and display result
print(password_2("Marina", "Langlois", "20"))
print(password_2("Marina", "Langlois", 20))
print(password_2("Elvy", True, 20))
print(password_2(True, 20, "Elvy"))
print(password_2(20, 40, "Elvy"))
print(password_2(20, "Elvy", 3))
print(password_2(5.2, 3.333, "Elvy"))




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