
In: Statistics and Probability

Find the ‘best fit’ equation of net income for last year on last year’s sales. Test...

Find the ‘best fit’ equation of net income for last year on last year’s sales. Test the significance of the overall model at 1% level of significance.

Company Market value Sales Profits Assets Recent share price P-E Ratio Yield
1 42926 9663 2446.6 11086 38 18 2.67
2 31557 37799 975.0 38870 47 33 3.76
3 19143 7230 1093.5 9590 59 18 2.85
4 9915 4908 737.6 19429 46 16 6.66
5 9094 989 267.7 1203 30 37 0.00
6 7206 13428 952.4 111896 70 8 1.72
7 7164 5814 319.4 5662 68 22 2.96
8 6340 3962 478.9 12578 29 15 4.87
9 4996 3525 183.1 3987 33 27 1.92
10 4211 3702 56.8 4070 33 74 3.30
11 4041 4102 282.3 50863 54 17 2.23
12 3789 1619 79.2 1490 87 48 0.32
13 3744 8311 194.0 5458 60 19 3.16
14 3618 3832 128.0 2769 35 20 0.00
15 3200 3434 190.0 7483 29 21 5.54
16 3167 2330 146.1 2458 58 22 2.43
17 2759 3472 138.6 3175 205 19 0.49
18 2636 1172 172.7 6455 27 15 3.31
19 2567 3858 91.4 3188 19 36 3.20
20 2416 6895 115.6 1812 21 22 0.00
21 2300 1553 202.3 4802 27 13 6.23
22 2206 1739 139.6 3005 33 16 0.61
23 2012 3376 65.2 2994 34 31 1.18
24 2010 1773 133.8 6859 18 24 0.00
25 1994 3389 28.0 3266 43 66 2.64
26 1707 644 29.4 845 41 58 0.98
27 1612 5550 120.7 3162 34 13 4.71
28 1404 505 107.1 2273 27 14 5.77
29 1318 2152 99.0 2008 28 14 2.12
30 1285 1220 64.7 920 13 20 1.85
31 1281 2867 112.6 15925 28 11 3.67
32 1261 577 60.5 628 34 21 0.00
33 1253 840 84.9 13626 38 21 0.74
34 1216 1386 102.6 16844 38 13 3.73
35 1066 2219 39.1 1662 21 27 1.76
36 1060 2650 53.7 1479 35 20 1.47
37 1034 219 10.6 250 30 57 0.00
38 1021 819 34.3 1566 37 28 0.00
39 1011 3352 54.4 1319 21 20 0.00
40 956 528 42.5 438 27 22 2.48
41 832 966 69.7 1844 38 9 2.86
42 824 461 55.4 502 24 15 0.00
43 805 883 16.1 495 35 47 0.00
44 788 600 39.7 584 31 22 0.65
45 692 389 26.6 497 30 25 0.00
46 633 708 35.8 1020 24 20 5.45
47 616 526 40.9 475 27 16 2.12
48 602 351 50.7 3916 48 12 3.60
49 585 453 27.1 331 44 23 0.63
50 581 705 39.4 472 20 15 3.16

Find the ‘best fit’ equation of net income for last year on last year’s sales. Test the significance of the overall model at 1% level of significance.


Expert Solution

> # Reading the data in console
> df = read.csv(file.choose(),header = T)

> colnames(df)
[1] "Company"            "Market.value"       "Sales"              "Profits"           
[5] "Assets"             "Recent.share.price" "P.E.Ratio"          "Yield"             

> dim(df)
[1] 50  8

> str(df)
'data.frame':   50 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ Company           : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Market.value      : int  42926 31557 19143 9915 9094 7206 7164 6340 4996 4211 ...
 $ Sales             : int  9663 37799 7230 4908 989 13428 5814 3962 3525 3702 ...
 $ Profits           : num  2447 975 1094 738 268 ...
 $ Assets            : int  11086 38870 9590 19429 1203 111896 5662 12578 3987 4070 ...
 $ Recent.share.price: int  38 47 59 46 30 70 68 29 33 33 ...
 $ P.E.Ratio         : int  18 33 18 16 37 8 22 15 27 74 ...
 $ Yield             : num  2.67 3.76 2.85 6.66 0 1.72 2.96 4.87 1.92 3.3 ...

> summary(df)
    Company       Market.value       Sales            Profits            Assets      
 Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :  581   Min.   :  219.0   Min.   :  10.60   Min.   :   250  
 1st Qu.:13.25   1st Qu.: 1024   1st Qu.:  735.8   1st Qu.:  44.55   1st Qu.:  1066  
 Median :25.50   Median : 1850   Median : 1962.5   Median :  95.20   Median :  2882  
 Mean   :25.50   Mean   : 4209   Mean   : 3468.9   Mean   : 220.71   Mean   :  7951  
 3rd Qu.:37.75   3rd Qu.: 3712   3rd Qu.: 3799.5   3rd Qu.: 180.50   3rd Qu.:  6257  
 Max.   :50.00   Max.   :42926   Max.   :37799.0   Max.   :2446.60   Max.   :111896  
 Recent.share.price   P.E.Ratio         Yield      
 Min.   : 13.00     Min.   : 8.00   Min.   :0.000  
 1st Qu.: 27.00     1st Qu.:15.25   1st Qu.:0.520  
 Median : 33.50     Median :20.00   Median :2.120  
 Mean   : 39.52     Mean   :24.40   Mean   :2.196  
 3rd Qu.: 42.50     3rd Qu.:26.50   3rd Qu.:3.275  
 Max.   :205.00     Max.   :74.00   Max.   :6.660  

> plot(df)

> cor(df[,-1])
                   Market.value        Sales    Profits     Assets Recent.share.price
Market.value         1.00000000 0.6922622439  0.9341491  0.2761694       0.1110567665
Sales                0.69226224 1.0000000000  0.5452554  0.5097578       0.1532372418
Profits              0.93414905 0.5452554054  1.0000000  0.4174388       0.1232055395
Assets               0.27616939 0.5097577692  0.4174388  1.0000000       0.1870074786
Recent.share.price   0.11105677 0.1532372418  0.1232055  0.1870075       1.0000000000
P.E.Ratio           -0.01095553 0.0004982515 -0.1736945 -0.2136470      -0.0004741459
Yield                0.17005089 0.1828134131  0.2154797  0.1271457      -0.1053225181
                       P.E.Ratio      Yield
Market.value       -0.0109555282  0.1700509
Sales               0.0004982515  0.1828134
Profits            -0.1736944984  0.2154797
Assets             -0.2136469763  0.1271457
Recent.share.price -0.0004741459 -0.1053225
P.E.Ratio           1.0000000000 -0.2648121
Yield              -0.2648120721  1.0000000
> # Here the net income is profit.
> #Fitting the equation of net income for last year on last year’s sales
> mod = lm(Profits~Sales, data = df)
> summary(mod)

lm(formula = Profits ~ Sales, data = df)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-590.41  -98.62  -68.27  -22.69 1983.27 

             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 84.829673  57.131079   1.485    0.144    
Sales        0.039170   0.008692   4.506 4.23e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 343.1 on 48 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2973,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.2827 
F-statistic: 20.31 on 1 and 48 DF,  p-value: 4.229e-05

# here p value is 4.229e-05 <0.01, so it is significant at 1% level

> #Fitting the equation of net income for last year on last year complete data
> df1 = df[,-1] # since company number is unique for each data point therefore it has no importance
> mod1 = lm(Profits~ .,df1)
> summary(mod1)

lm(formula = Profits ~ ., data = df1)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-211.494  -25.299   -2.766   32.283  142.073 

                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)        56.3927458 32.4206991   1.739   0.0891 .  
Market.value        0.0587314  0.0019425  30.234  < 2e-16 ***
Sales              -0.0262996  0.0029623  -8.878 2.81e-11 ***
Assets              0.0062518  0.0007296   8.568 7.55e-11 ***
Recent.share.price  0.1368850  0.3895267   0.351   0.7270    
P.E.Ratio          -2.6194392  0.7825693  -3.347   0.0017 ** 
Yield               7.8043555  6.0061320   1.299   0.2007    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 73.92 on 43 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9708,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9667 
F-statistic: 238.2 on 6 and 43 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

# Here we see that Market.value, sales and assets have significant effect at 1% level.


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