
In: Anatomy and Physiology

As a massage therapist what are some of your respiratory observations of your client and how...

As a massage therapist what are some of your respiratory observations of your client and how can these observations impact your massage? Are there breathing techniques that you can utilize in your massage that will enhance your client’s response to massage?


Expert Solution

ANS: As a massage therapist My respiratory observations of my client:

  • Body language
  • Body posture
  • Body tone
  • Body weight
  • Breathing patterns
  • Inhale and exhale timing
  • Pulse rate
  • Respiratory rate
  • Body Temperature and tempertaure of areas touched
  • Energy level
  • Muscle holding patterns and time
  • Quality of movement
  • Mental strength
  • Attitude, goals

Respiratory rate can be observed by the inhalation and exhalation. and we can count the number of respiration in one minute by using watch.

After summarized these data, massage therapy will arrange accordingly.

Many clients have breathing problems. they can not breathe properly.

so, we can improve their improper breathing skills by giving proper breathing massage therapy.

As a massage therapist, first focus should work on the muscles of respiration.

We can improve muscle strength and muscle tone by massage therapy.

The client in standing position, ask to take a deep breathe, at that time observe the shoulders, abdomen and chest.

so, contractions can feel during this observations.

so, it will impact to massage, as we know earlier the client's observations:

Benefit or impact of massage therapy includes:

  • Relieve tension
  • Relaxation
  • Improved muscle tone
  • Improved skin condition
  • Improved range of movement
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved circulation
  • Improved systemic functions
  • Improved sleeping patterns so decreased the stress
  • Pain reduction.

Yes, there are breathing techniques that can utilize in our massage that will enhance oyur client's response to massage.

so, massage therapy includes the treatments like: superficial to deep, friction, vibration, tapotement, joint and muscle range of movement, neuromuscular massage and the muscle streching.

it will help to clients to improve their respiratory work. and they will feel relaxation.

Chest massage: 1st procedure:

- Client raise her/his arms overhead.

- I will place my one hand flat on the client's chest. The proper location will be the medial to the axilla, with my fingers pointing superiorly.

- I will cross my other hand over the first hand and place it flat on the chest inferior to the first hand, and the fingers pointing inferiorly.

- Now, i will let my hands sink gently into the tissue. i will press the two hands gently away from each other, and streching the fascia.

- Hold it untill feel of fascia has released.

- Now, i will shift my hands medially and will repeat th process.

- Repeat the process at other side of the client.

Chest massage: 2nd procedure:

- In this process, i will stand at the client's head as i am massage therapist.

- I will place one hand flat on the client's chest with the heel of the hand resting on the sternum below the manubrium.

- and the fingers pointing laterally.

- I will cross my other hand over an place it next to the first hand. the fingers pointing laterally in the other directions.

- Now, i will sink my hands gently into the tissue untill feel the underlying superficial fascia.

- i will press the two hands gently away from each other and give massage and streching the fascia.

- I will hold this position untill fascia has released.

- Then i will Shift my hands inferiorly and will repeat the process.

Chest massage: 3rd procedure:

- I will place one hand flat on the client's sternum just inferior to the manubrium with y fingers pointing inferiorly.

- i will press gently into the tissue. and i will glide my hand slowly down the sternum untill heel of my hand will reach the inferior end of the sternum.

This procedure can be done by thumb also.

- Muscular spasm, age related muscular use, muscular imbalance, emotional or stress related conditions that all can be cured by the massage therapy.

so, massage therapy will enhance the client's response towards the massage.

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