
In: Computer Science

This is c++. The goal is to test each method function by writing a simple program...

This is c++. The goal is to test each method function by writing a simple program displaying how they work in int main .
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class Array_functions
    int size;
    int cap;
    int* ptr;
    //default ctor
    // ctor with one arg
    Array_functions(int size);
    //allactes a dynamic array
    T* allocate(int n);
    //resizes array onto another
   T* resize_arr(T *dest,int old_cap, int new_cap);
    //deletes array
    void delete_arr(T& a);
    //prints array
    T* copy_arr(T*src, int size);
template <typename T>
    const bool debug = true;
    size = 0;
    cap = 0;
    ptr = nullptr;
    cout<< "debug Array_functions(): size : "<< size<<" cap : "<< cap;
template <typename T>
Array_functions<T>::Array_functions(int size){
    size = 50;
    ptr = allocate(cap + 1);
    cout<< "debug Array_functions(): size : "<< size <<" ptr : ";
template <typename T>
T* Array_functions<T>::allocate(int capacity){
    const bool debug = true;
        cout<< " debug: allocate(int n) "<<endl;
    return new T[capacity];
template <typename T>
T* Array_functions<T>::resize_arr(T *dest,int size, int new_cap){
    dest = allocate(new_cap);
    copy_arr(dest, size);
    return *dest;
template <typename T>
void Array_functions<T>::delete_arr(T& arr){
    delete []arr;
    arr = nullptr;
template <typename T>
//Print array pointer
T* Array_functions<T>::copy_arr(T* src,
int size){
    T* new_arr;
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        cout<< "Constents of list :"<<endl;
        cout<<  setw(4)<< *src <<endl;
        new_arr = src;
        src++;                       //list array increments
    new_arr -=size;
    cout<< endl;
    return *new_arr;
#include <iostream>
#include "array_functions"
using namespace std;
int main(){

return 0;


Expert Solution



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class Array_functions

int size;
int cap;
int* ptr;

//default ctor

// ctor with one arg
Array_functions(int size);

//allactes a dynamic array
T* allocate(int n);

//resizes array onto another
T* resize_arr(T* dest, int old_cap, int new_cap);

//deletes array
void delete_arr(T& a);

//prints array
T* copy_arr(T* src, int size);


template <typename T>
Array_functions<T>::Array_functions() {
const bool debug = true;
size = 0;
cap = 0;
ptr = nullptr;
cout << "debug Array_functions(): size : " << size << " cap : " << cap;

template <typename T>
Array_functions<T>::Array_functions(int size) {
size = 50;
ptr = allocate(cap + 1);
cout << "debug Array_functions(): size : " << size << " ptr : ";

template <typename T>
T* Array_functions<T>::allocate(int capacity) {
const bool debug = true;
if (debug)
cout << " debug: allocate(int n) " << endl;
return new T[capacity];

template <typename T>
T* Array_functions<T>::resize_arr(T* dest, int size, int new_cap) {
dest = allocate(new_cap);
copy_arr(dest, size);
return dest;

template <typename T>
void Array_functions<T>::delete_arr(T& arr) {
arr = nullptr;

template <typename T>
//Print array pointer
T* Array_functions<T>::copy_arr(T* src,
int size) {
T* new_arr = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cout << "Constents of list :" << endl;
cout << setw(4) << *src << endl;
new_arr = src;
src++; //list array increments
new_arr -= size;
cout << endl;
return new_arr;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {

Array_functions<int> arr;
Array_functions<int> arr1(5);

int samplearr[] = { 2,3,4,1,5,6 };
arr.copy_arr(samplearr, 6);

arr.resize_arr(samplearr, 6, 10);
return 0;

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