
In: Computer Science

Given the following program readline.cpp and the data file e2_input.txt: // Program readline.cpp demonstrates how to...

  • Given the following program readline.cpp and the data file e2_input.txt:
    // Program readline.cpp demonstrates how to read a line of text from a file
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        string str1, str2, str3, str4;      // declares 4 variables
        ifstream inData;                    // declares input stream
        ofstream outData;                   // declares output stream
        // binds program variable inData to the input file "input.txt"
         // binds program variable outData to the output file "output.txt"
        // input 4 lines
        // output 4 lines
        outData  << str4  << endl;
        outData  << str3  << endl;
        outData  << str2  << endl;
        outData  << str1  << endl;  // outputs 4 lines
        return 0;
  • The input data file e2_input.txt.
    Allan Smith
    John Cooper
    Zhang Hua
    Yao Ming

    You are required to deliver the following:

    • Edit/create the input data file e2_input.txt and the program file readline.cpp in your project folder.
    • Compile and run the program readline.cpp.
    • Check the content of the output data file.
      • On Hercules use this command: cat e2_output.txt
      • In Visual Studio, add the existing file e2_output.txt to the project and click on it or use Notepad to open it from the project folder.
    • Add your full name and your CS110 class instructor's name in the input data file e2_input.txt a line for each.
    • Modify the program readline.cpp to work with your new input data file.
    • Compile and run this C++ program.
    • Run the program for your lab instructor and show the result in e2_output.txt.

How to add two more names with it?

How to add two more names with it?

How to add two more names with it?

How to add two more names with it?


Expert Solution



#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


string str1, str2, str3, str4; // declares 4 variables

ifstream inData; // declares input stream

ofstream outData; // declares output stream"e2_input.txt");

// binds program variable inData to the input file "input.txt""e2_output.txt");

// binds program variable outData to the output file "output.txt"

// input 4 lines

getline(inData, str1);

getline(inData, str2);

getline(inData, str3);

getline(inData, str4);

// output 4 lines

outData << str4 << endl;

outData << str3 << endl;

outData << str2 << endl;

outData << str1 << endl; // outputs 4 lines

// add 2 more names to the output file

string str5 = "John Smith";

string str6 = "Alicia Vaughn";

outData << str5 << endl << str6 << endl;



  return 0;


********************************************************* SCREENSHOT *******************************************************


INPUT FILE (e2_input.txt) - This file needs to be created before running the code and this file should be created within the same directory.

OUTPU T FILE (e2_output.txt)

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