
In: Computer Science

Write a C program that will read different data types from the following file and store...

Write a C program that will read different data types from the following file and store it in the array of structures.

Given file: (This file have more than 1000 lines of similar data):

time latitude longitude depth mag magType nst gap dmin
2020-10-19T23:28:33.400Z 61.342 -147.3997 12.3 1.6 ml 12 84 0.00021
2020-10-19T23:26:49.460Z 38.838501 -122.82684 1.54 0.57 md 11 81 0.006757
2020-10-19T23:17:28.720Z 35.0501667 -117.6545 0.29 1.51 ml 17 77 0.1205
2020-10-19T22:47:44.770Z 38.187 -117.7385 10.8 1.5 ml 15 100.22 0.049
2020-10-19T22:42:26.224Z 54.4198 -159.9943 18.7 2.9 ml

Create a structure like below and make an array of structures in the main C file and store the data based on their data types.

struct data


   char time[100];

   float latitude;

   float longitude;

   float depth;

   float mag;

   char magType[5];

   char nst[5];

   int gap;

   float dmin;



Expert Solution

#include <stdlib.h>
struct data{
  char time[100];
  float latitude;
  float longitude;
  float depth;
  float mag;
  char magType[5];
  char nst[5];
  int gap;
  float dmin;
int main(){
  struct data records[1000];
  struct data temp;
char str[256];
int result,i=0;
FILE* f = fopen("/home/user/Downloads/file.csv", "r");// for a csv file   
result = fscanf(f, "%255[^;\n]", str);
result = fscanf(f, "%255[^;\n]", str);// read data from the user
while(result != EOF){
if(result == 0){
result = fscanf(f, "%*c");
char *token = strtok(str,",");
         int j = 0;
         while(token != NULL) {
        if(j == 0) strcpy(records[i].time, token);
        else if(j == 1) records[i].latitude = atof(token);
        else if(j == 2) records[i].longitude = atof(token);
        else if(j == 3) records[i].depth = atof(token);
        else if(j == 4) records[i].mag = atof(token);
        else if(j == 5) strcpy(records[i].magType, token);
        else if(j == 6) strcpy(records[i].nst, token);
        else if(j == 7) records[i].gap = atoll(token);
        else records[i].dmin = atof(token);
        token = strtok(NULL, ",");
result = fscanf(f, "%255[^;\n]", str);
  for(int x=0; x<i; x++){
     for(int y=0; y<i-1; y++){
        if(records[y].latitude > records[y+1].latitude){
           temp = records[y];
           records[y] = records[y+1];
           records[y+1] = temp;
return 0;


Just create a file named file.csv and the program will read the text in it.

This will make the following line of code find your csv file..FILE* f = fopen("/home/user/Downloads/file.csv", "r");

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