
In: Statistics and Probability

A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C)...

A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C) on sales of a popular fabric softener. A completely randomized design is employed. Specifically, 15 supermarkets of equal sales potential are selected, and 5 of these supermarkets are randomly assigned to each bottle design. The number of bottles sold in 24 hours at each supermarket is recorded. The data obtained are displayed in the following table.

Bottle Design Study Data
19 30 25
17 30 20
18 33 22
15 35 27
18 29 21

The Excel output of a one-way ANOVA of the Bottle Design Study Data is shown below.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Design A 5 87 17.4 2.3
Design B 5 157 31.4 6.3
Design C 5 115 23.0 8.5
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-Value F crit
Between Groups 496.5333 2 248.2667 43.56 3.23E-06 3.88529
Within Groups 68.4 12.0 5.7000
Total 564.9333 14

(a) Test the null hypothesis that μA, μB, and μC are equal by setting α = .05. Based on this test, can we conclude that bottle designs A, B, and C have different effects on mean daily sales? (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "0" wherever required.)


(Click to select)Do not rejectReject H0: bottle design (Click to select)doesdoes not have an impact on sales.

(b) Consider the pairwise differences μBμA, μCμA , and μCμB. Find a point estimate of and a Tukey simultaneous 95 percent confidence interval for each pairwise difference. Interpret the results in practical terms. Which bottle design maximizes mean daily sales? (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Negative amounts should be indicated by a minus sign.)

Point estimate Confidence interval
μBμA: , [, ]
μCμA: , [, ]
μCμB: , [, ]

Bottle design (Click to select)CBA maximizes sales.

(c) Find a 95 percent confidence interval for each of the treatment means μA, μB, and μC. Interpret these intervals. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Negative amounts should be indicated by a minus sign.)

Confidence interval
μA: [, ]
μB: [, ]
μC: [, ]


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A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C) on sales of a popular fabric softener. A completely randomized design is employed. Specifically, 15 supermarkets of equal sales potential are selected, and 5 of these supermarkets are randomly assigned to each bottle design. The number of bottles sold in 24 hours at each supermarket is recorded. The data obtained are displayed in the following table.

Bottle Design Study Data



















The Excel output of a one-way ANOVA of the Bottle Design Study Data is shown below.







Design A





Design B





Design C






Source of Variation






F crit

Between Groups







Within Groups







(a) Test the null hypothesis that μA, μB, and μC are equal by setting α = .05. Based on this test, can we conclude that bottle designs A, B, and C have different effects on mean daily sales? (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Leave no cells blank - be certain to enter "0" wherever required.)





Reject H0: bottle design (Click to select)does have an impact on sales.

(b) Consider the pairwise differences μB – μA, μC – μA , and μC – μB. Find a point estimate of and a Tukey simultaneous 95 percent confidence interval for each pairwise difference. Interpret the results in practical terms. Which bottle design maximizes mean daily sales? (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Negative amounts should be indicated by a minus sign.)

Point estimate Confidence interval

μB μA:14.00 , [9.97,18.03 ]

μC μA: 5.60, [1.57, 9.63]

μC μB: -8.40, [-12.43, -4.37]

Bottle design (Click to select) B maximizes sales.

(c) Find a 95 percent confidence interval for each of the treatment means μA, μB, and μC. Interpret these intervals. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places. Negative amounts should be indicated by a minus sign.)

Confidence interval

μA: [15.07, 19.73]

μB: [29.07,33.73 ]

μC: [20.67, 25.33]


MINITAB output:

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A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C) on sales of a popular fabric softener. A completely randomized design is employed. Specifically, 15 supermarkets of equal sales potential are selected, and 5 of these supermarkets are randomly assigned to each bottle design. The number of bottles sold in 24 hours at each supermarket is recorded. The data obtained are displayed in the following table. Bottle Design Study Data A B C 17...
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A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C)...
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A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C)...
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A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C)...
A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C) on sales of a popular fabric softener. A completely randomized design is employed. Specifically, 15 supermarkets of equal sales potential are selected, and 5 of these supermarkets are randomly assigned to each bottle design. The number of bottles sold in 24 hours at each supermarket is recorded. The data obtained are displayed in the following table. Bottle Design Study Data A B C 13...
A consumer preference study compares the effects of three different bottle designs (A, B, and C)...
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