
In: Anatomy and Physiology

you are given a heart and need to orient it to the correct position. What visually...

you are given a heart and need to orient it to the correct position. What visually unique features can you use to tell the difference between the left side of the heart and the right side of the heart when viewd externally and internally


Expert Solution

The heart is conical hollow muscular organ and enclosed by pericardium. Heart has four chambers .

External features - a. An apex of heart.

b. Base of heart.

c. Left lateral surface.

d. Inferior surface.

Surfaces are demarcated by borders -

1. Upperborder is formed by two atria especially left atria.

2. Right border - formed by right atrium extends from superior to inferior venacava.

Comparison of right side of heart and left side of heart.

Right side of the heart .

1. Receives venous blood through superior and inferior venacava.

2. Pushes the blood to pulmonary trunk from their to lungs.

3. Contains deoxygenated blood.

4. Forms 2/3rd sternocoastal surface and 1/3rd diaphragmatic surface.

Left side of the heart.

1. Receives oxygenated blood from lungs .

2. Pushes blood to aorta and supplies the whole body.

3. Much thicker than right side of heart.

4. Contains oxygenated blood.

5. Forms 2/3 rd diaphragmatic surface and 1/3rd sternocoastal surface.

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