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C++ program homework question 1 1. Create and implement a class called clockType with the following...

C++ program homework question 1

1. Create and implement a class called clockType with the following data and methods (60 Points.):

  • Data:
    • Hours, minutes, seconds
  • Methods:
    • Set and get hours
    • Set and get minutes
    • Set and get seconds
    • printTime(…) to display time in the form of hh:mm:ss
    • default and overloading constructor
  1. Overloading Operators:
    • << (extraction) operator to display time in the form of hh:mm:ss
    • >> (insertion) operator to get input for hours, minutes, and seconds
    • operator+=(int x) (increment operator) to increment by x seconds
    • operator<=(…) which returns true if time of the clock is less than or equal to another clock
    • operator>=(…) which returns true if time of the clock is greater than or equal to another clock

Derive a new class called extClockType from the class clockType by adding a member variable to store the time zone. Add the necessary member functions and constructors and implement them


Expert Solution

Please find the code , output below.

#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Class declaration
class clockType {
int hours, minutes, seconds;
clockType (int hours1, int minutes1, int seconds1){
void sethours(int hours1){
void setminutes(int minutes1){
void setseconds(int seconds1){
int gethouors(){
return hours;
int getminutes(){
return minutes;
int getseconds(){
return seconds;
// Printing the output
void printTime(){
if(hours<10 && minutes>=10 && seconds >=10){
cout<<"The time is 0"<<hours<<" : "<< minutes<< " : "<<seconds<<endl;
else if (hours>=10 && minutes < 10 && seconds>=10){
cout<<"The time is "<<hours<<" : 0"<< minutes<< " : "<<seconds<<endl;
else if (hours>=10 && minutes >= 10 && seconds <10){
cout<<"The time is "<<hours<<" : "<< minutes<< " : 0"<<seconds<<endl;
else if (hours>=10 && minutes < 10 && seconds <10){
cout<<"The time is "<<hours<<" : 0"<< minutes<< " : 0"<<seconds<<endl;
else if (hours <10 && minutes >= 10 && seconds <10){
cout<<"The time is 0"<<hours<<" : "<< minutes<< " : 0"<<seconds<<endl;
else if (hours <10 && minutes < 10 && seconds >=10){
cout<<"The time is 0"<<hours<<" : 0"<< minutes<< " : "<<seconds<<endl;
else if (hours<10 && minutes < 10 && seconds <10){
cout<<"The time is 0"<<hours<<" : 0"<< minutes<< " : 0"<<seconds<<endl;
cout<<"The time is "<<hours<<" : "<< minutes<< " : "<<seconds<<endl;
// Child class
class extClockType : public clockType {
vector<string> time_zone;
extClockType(int hours1, int minutes1, int seconds1,string timezone): clockType(hours1,minutes1,seconds1){
void printTimezone(){
cout<<"\nThe timezone is "<<time_zone[0];

int main()
// Getting input from user
int hours, minutes, seconds;
cout<<"Enter the hours : ";
if(hours<0 || hours>24){
cout<< "Invalid hours !!!";
cout<<"Enter the minutes : ";
if(minutes<0 || minutes>60){
cout<< "Invalid minutes !!!";
cout<<"Enter the seconds : ";
if(seconds<0 || seconds>60){
cout<< "Invalid seconds !!!";
// Creating object of clockType class
clockType ct(hours,minutes,seconds);
extClockType ect(hours,minutes,seconds,"Pacific");
// Calling the function
return 0;

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