
In: Electrical Engineering

Write Matlab code (with detailed comments) to perform spectral analysis of 1KHz sine wave, noise and...

  1. Write Matlab code (with detailed comments) to perform spectral analysis of 1KHz sine wave, noise and noise corrupted sine wave. Consider the sampling frequency Fs=10KHz.                                                                                                                                                  
  2. What should be the ideal frequency response of filter required to remove noise? Justify your answer                                                                                                                           


Expert Solution

(a) MATLAB code is given below:

fsin = 1000;%% sine wave frequency
fs = 10000;%% sampling frequency
fbin = fsin/100;%% bin frequency of FFT
npoints = fs/fbin*15;% Total length of sequence
nfft = fs/fbin;% No of points of FFT
A = 1;% amplitude of sinewave
vsin = A*sin(2*pi*fsin/fs*(0:1:npoints-1));% sine wave defined
noise = wgn(1,length(vsin),-40);% noise witj -40dB power defined
nfft_total = 10*nfft;% total length of sequence used for calculating PSD
vsin_final = vsin(end-nfft_total+1:end);
noise_final = noise(end-nfft_total+1:end);
noise_plus_sine = noise+vsin;% noise + signal
noise_plus_sine_final = noise_plus_sine(end-nfft_total+1:end);

%%% Generating 10 different FFT's by dividing sequence into ten segments
%%% and then taking FFT of each segment
fft_vsin(nfft_total/nfft,nfft) = 0;
fft_noise(nfft_total/nfft,nfft) = 0;
fft_noise_plus_sine(nfft_total/nfft,nfft) = 0;
for i = 1:nfft_total/nfft
fft_vsin(i,:) = fft(vsin_final((i-1)*nfft+1:i*nfft));
fft_noise(i,:) = fft(noise_final((i-1)*nfft+1:i*nfft));
fft_noise_plus_sine(i,:) = fft(noise_plus_sine_final((i-1)*nfft+1:i*nfft));
freq = fs/nfft*(0:1:nfft-1);

psd_vsin_avg(1,nfft) = 0;
psd_noise_avg(1,nfft) = 0;
psd_noise_plus_sine_avg(1,nfft) = 0;
for i = 1:nfft_total/nfft
psd_vsin_avg = psd_vsin_avg + abs(fft_vsin(i,:)).^(2);
psd_noise_avg = psd_noise_avg + abs(fft_noise(i,:)).^(2);
psd_noise_plus_sine_avg = psd_noise_plus_sine_avg + abs(fft_noise_plus_sine(i,:)).^(2);
psd_vsin_avg = psd_vsin_avg(1:nfft/2)/(2000*2000);% scaling factor to normalize PSD
psd_noise_avg = psd_noise_avg(1:nfft/2)/(2000*2000);% scaling factor to normalize PSD
psd_noise_plus_sine_avg = psd_noise_plus_sine_avg(1:nfft/2)/(2000*2000);% scaling factor to normalize PSD
frequency = freq(1:nfft/2);

PSD of signal, PSD of noise and PSD of signal + noise is plotted below:

(b) From plot, we can see that signal is single sinusoid but noise spread over whole frequency range. So ideal filter to filter out noise will be a bandpass filter centered at 1kHz and infinite Q such that its bandwidth = 0.

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