
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Place the correct word into the sentence to describe the muscles of respiration. a. elevate b....

Place the correct word into the sentence to describe the muscles of respiration.
a. elevate

b. depress

c. flex

d. extend

1. The internal intercostals depress (wrong answer) the ribs and expand the thoracic cavity during inspiration.

2. The external intercostals elevate (wrong answer) the ribs causing a partial vaccuum effect resulting in an influx of air.

I put these answers in but they are wrong need help


Expert Solution

1.The internal Intercoastal muscles depress the ribs and shrink the thoracic cavity during Expiration.

(During inspiration internal intercoastal muscles are relaxed,External intercoastal contracts which elevate the ribs and cause Increased lung volume decreased Pressure and so the air Flows in)

2.The External Intercoastal muscle Elevate the ribs and expand the thoracic cavity during inspiration causing a partial vaccuum effect resulting in an influx of air. The internal intercostal muscles are responsible for forced exhalation. They depress the ribs and decrease space in the chest cavity

When you inhale the internal intercostal muscles relax and the external intercostal muscles contract, pulling the ribcage upwards and outwards. the diaphragm contracts, pulling downwards. lung volume increases and the air pressure inside decreases.

Remember that-

1.The internal intercostals bring the ribs down during forced expiration.

2.The external intercostals elevate the ribs in inspiration.

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