
In: Statistics and Probability

Select True or False    True    False      1. Conclusions and estimates about a population based on sample...

Select True or False

   True    False      1. Conclusions and estimates about a population based on sample data are not always going to be correct. For this reason measures of reliability, such a significance level and confidence level, should be built into the statistical inference.

   True    False      2. The confidence level is the proportion of times that an estimating procedure will be wrong.

   True    False      3. Statistical inference is the process of making an estimate, prediction, or decision about a population based on sample data.

   True    False      4. A summary measure that is computed from a population is called a parameter.


Expert Solution

1. True.

It is obvious that conclusion and estimates about apopulation based on sample data are not always going to be correct. So, for this reason, measures of reliability, such a significance level and confidence level, should be built into the statistical inference. That is why the statement is true.

2. False.

The confidence level refers to the percentage of probability or certainty, that the confidence interval would contain the true population parameter when you draw a random sample many times. That is why the statement is false.

3. True.

Inferential statistics is also a set of methods, but it is used to draw conclusions or inferences about characteristics of population based on data from a sample.Statistical inference is the process of making an estimate, prediction or decision about a population based on a sample. That is why the statement is true.

4. False.

A population is the totality of items or things under consideration. A sample is the portion of the population that is selected for analysis. A parameter is a summary measure that is computed to describe a characteristic of an entire population. That is why the statement is false.

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