
In: Statistics and Probability

Most sports injuries are immediate and obvious, like a broken leg. However, some can be more...

Most sports injuries are immediate and obvious, like a broken leg. However, some can be more subtle, like the neurological damage that may occur when soccer players repeatedly head a soccer ball. To examine effects of repeated heading, McAllister et al. (2013) examined a group of football and ice hockey players and a group of athletes in noncontact sports before and shortly after the season. The dependent variable was performance on a conceptual thinking task. Following are hypothetical data from an independent-measures study similar to the one by McAllister et al. The researchers measured conceptual thinking for contact and noncontact athletes at the beginning of their first season and for separate groups of athletes at the end of their second season.

Before the first season

After the second season

Contact Sport

n = 20

M = 9

n = 20

M = 4

Noncontact Sport

n = 20

M = 9

n = 20

M = 8

What are the factors and their levels for this study? Choose from the following and enter the letter only:

a. sports type

b. time

c. before the first season/after the second season

d. contact/noncontact

Factor A (rows): ________ and levels ________

Factor B (columns): ______ and levels _________

Interpret the data (you may want to do draw and upload your graph first, in the following question). Which factors do we expect to be significant?

Factor A (rows): _____

s. significant or

n. not significant

and why? ____

a. there is a row mean difference

b. there is a column mean difference

c. the lines are not really parallel

d. the lines are basically parallel

Factor B (columns): _____

s. significant

n. not significant

and why?_____

a. there is a row mean difference

b. there is a column mean difference

c. the lines are not really parallel

d. the lines are basically parallel

Interaction factor AxB: significant or not significant _____

s. Significant

n. Not significant

and Why? _____

a. there is a row mean difference

b. there is a column mean difference

c. the lines are not really parallel

d. the lines are basically parallel

( if you could show as much work as possible that would be great, I'm really confused on this question)



Expert Solution

What are the factors and their levels for this study? Choose from the following and enter the letter only:

Factor A (rows): sport type and levels - contact/noncontact

Factor B (columns):time and levels - before the first season/after the second season

Factor A (rows): _____

s. significant

and why? ____

a. there is a row mean difference

Factor B (columns): _____

s. significant

and why?_____

b. there is a column mean difference

Interaction factor AxB: significant or not significant _____

s. Significant

and Why?

c. the lines are not really parallel

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