
In: Statistics and Probability

A researcher is interested in the effects of practice on accuracy in a signal detection task....

  1. A researcher is interested in the effects of practice on accuracy in a signal detection task. Participants are tested with no practice, after 1 hour of practice, and after 2 hours of practice. Each person participates in all three conditions. The following data indicate how many signals were accurately detected by each participant at each level of practice.

       Amount of practice

    Participant No Practice 1 Hour 2 Hours

    1 3 4 6

    2 4 5 5

    3 2 3 4

    4 1 3 5

    5 3 6 7

    6 3 4 6

    7 2 3 4

    Source df SS MS F

    Subject 16.27

    Between 25.81

    Error 4.87

    Total 46.95

    a. Complete the ANOVA summary table.

    b. Is Fobt significant at α = .05? α = .01?

    c. Perform post hoc comparisons if necessary.

    d. What conclusions can be drawn from the F-ratio and the post hoc comparisons?

    e. What is the effect size and what does this mean?


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