
In: Chemistry

Based on the data table below, identify a general trend in reaction speed for ketones/aldehydes and...

Based on the data table below, identify a general trend in reaction speed for ketones/aldehydes and provide an explanation for these trends.

Ketone MM (g/mol) Aldehyde MM (g/mol) Rxn time (min) Product (g) Theoretical Yield
acetone 58.1 benzaldehyde 106.1 1.75 0.742 0.5406 137%
cyclopentanone 84.1 benzaldehyde 106.1 0 0.557 0.5926 94%
cyclopentanone 84.1 benzaldehyde 106.1 0 0.724 0.5926 122%
acetone 58.1 cinnamaldehyde 132.2 4 0.432 0.645 67%
cyclopentanone 84.1 4-methylbenzaldehyde 120.2 0 0.637 0.649 98%
acetone 58.1 4-methoxybenzaldehyde 136.2 18 0.618 0.661 93%
cyclopentanone 84.1 4-methoxybenzaldehyde 136.2 0 0.5 0.713 70%
cyclopentanone 84.1 4-methoxybenzaldehyde 136.2 0.5 1.385 0.713 194%


Expert Solution

The trend for acetone:

acetone 58.1 benzaldehyde 106.1 1.75 0.742 0.5406 137%
acetone 58.1 cinnamaldehyde 132.2 4 0.432 0.645 67%
acetone 58.1 4-methoxybenzaldehyde 136.2 18 0.618 0.661 93%

As you can see with increase in methyl groups attached to the benzaldehyde, the % yield is decreasing


the methyl groups are attached to benzaldehyde, the longer the chain the yield of the corresponding product decreases as it is difficult to break the longer methyl chains.


In the first 2 reactions for the same concentrations of cyclopentanone and benzaldehyde, the yield is different ... this may be because of the change in reaction conditions like temperature, reagent etc.

the reactions cyclopentanone and 4-methoxybenzaldehyde, for 0 rxn time the yield is greater for the less conc of 4-methoxybenzaldehyde .

with increase in conc of 4-methoxybenzaldehyde the rxn time increases and the yield also increases almost doubles

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