In: Anatomy and Physiology
Explain why the neocortex is not able to function as an index by following the indexing theory, give 3 reasons (hint: hippocampus indexing theory is a better fit)
If NMDA receptors get knocked out of the hippocampus area, what will be the impact on both pattern completion and pattern separation according to the index theory?
The neocortex is generally arranged in six layers. The most
common neuronal type is the pyramidal cell with an extensive
vertical dendritic tree that may reach to the cortical surface.
Their cell bodies can be found in all cortical layers except layer
I. The axons of these cells usually give off recurrent collaterals
that turn back and synapse on the superficial portions of the
dendritic trees. Afferents from the specific nuclei of the thalamus
terminate primarily in cortical layer IV, whereas the nonspecific
afferents are distributed to layers I–IV. Pyramidal neurons are the
only projection neurons of the cortex, and they are excitatory
neurons that release glutamate at their terminals. The other
cortical cell types are local circuit neurons (interneurons) which
have been classified based on their shape, pattern of projection,
and neurotransmitter. Inhibitory interneurons (basket cells and
chandelier cells) release GABA as their neurotransmitter. Basket
cells have long axonal endings that surround the soma of pyramidal
neurons; they account for most inhibitory synapses on the pyramidal
soma and dendrites. Chandelier cells are a powerful source of
inhibition of pyramidal neurons because they have axonal endings
that terminate exclusively on the initial segment of the pyramidal
cell axon. Their terminal boutons form short vertical rows that
resemble candlesticks, thus accounting for their name. Spiny
stellate cells are excitatory interneurons that release glutamate
as a neurotransmitter. These cells are located primarily in layer
IV and are a major recipient of sensory information arising from
the thalamus; they are an example of a multipolar neuron with local
dendritic and axonal arborizations.
In addition to being organized into layers, the cortex is also
organized into columns. Neurons within a column have similar
response properties, suggesting they comprise a local processing
network (eg, orientation and ocular dominance columns in the visual
The reticular formation, the phylogenetically old reticular core
of the brain, occupies the midventral portion of the medulla and
midbrain. It is primarily an anatomic area made up of various
neural clusters and fibers with discrete functions. For example, it
contains the cell bodies and fibers of many of the serotonergic,
noradrenergic, adrenergic, and cholinergic systems. It also
contains many of the areas concerned with regulation of heart rate,
blood pressure, and respiration. Some of the descending fibers in
it inhibit transmission in sensory and motor pathways in the spinal
cord; various reticular areas and the pathways from them are
concerned with spasticity and adjustment of stretch reflexes.
The RAS is a complex polysynaptic pathway arising from the brain
stem reticular formation with projections to the intralaminar and
reticular nuclei of the thalamus which, in turn, project diffusely
and nonspecifically to wide regions of the cortex. Collaterals
funnel into it not only from the long ascending sensory tracts but
also from the trigeminal, auditory, visual, and olfactory systems.
The com- plexity of the neuron net and the degree of convergence in
it abolish modality specificity, and most reticular neurons are
activated with equal facility by different sensory stimuli. The
system is therefore nonspecific, whereas the classic sensory
pathways are specific in that the fibers in them are activated by
only one type of sensory stimulation.
The electrical events that occur in the cortex after stimulation
of a sense organ can be monitored with an exploring electrode
connected to another electrode at an indifferent point some
distance away. A characteristic response is seen in animals under
barbiturate anesthesia, which eliminates much of the background
electrical activity. If the exploring electrode is over the primary
receiving area for a particular sense, a surface-positive wave
appears with a latency of 5 to 12 ms. This is followed by a small
negative wave, and then a larger, more prolonged positive
deflection frequently occurs with a latency of 20 to 80 ms. The
first positive–negative wave sequence is the primary evoked
potential; the second is the diffuse secon- dary response.
The primary evoked potential is highly specific in its loca- tion
and can be observed only where the pathways from a par- ticular
sense organ end. An electrode on the pial surface of the cortex
samples activity to a depth of only 0.3–0.6 mm. The primary
response is negative rather than positive when it is recorded with
a microelectrode inserted in layers II–VI of the underlying cortex,
and the negative wave within the cortex is followed by a positive
wave. The negative–positive sequence indicates depolarization on
the dendrites and somas of the cells in the cortex, followed by
hyperpolarization. The positive–negative wave sequence recorded
from the surface of the cortex occurs because the superficial
cortical layers are positive relative to the initial negativity,
then negative relative to the deep hyperpolarization. In
unanesthetized animals or humans, the primary evoked potential is
largely obscured by the spontaneous activity of the brain, but it
can be demonstrated by superimposing multiple traces so that the
background activity is averaged out. It is somewhat more diffuse in
unanesthetized animals but still well localized compared with the
diffuse secondary response.
The surface-positive diffuse secondary response, unlike the
primary, is not highly localized. It appears at the same time over
most of the cortex and is due to activity in projections from the
midline and related thalamic nuclei.