
In: Computer Science

Create a Binary Search Tree using the list below: List : Victor, Ralph, Leo, Mya, Eric,...

Create a Binary Search Tree using the list below:

List : Victor, Ralph, Leo, Mya, Eric, Elizabeth, Hester, Damian, Willis, Collin, Keira, Marci, Ashlie, Ressie

List out the tree created by the add order of the list using post-order traversal.


Expert Solution

The construction of the binary search tree of the given list is as follows:-

In post order traversal first we traverse the left sub tree then right sub tree and at last the root node, the post order traversal of the above tree is as follows:-

Ashile, Collin, Domian, Elizabeth, Keira, Hester, Eric, Marci, Mya, Leo, Ressie, Ralph, Willis, Victor.

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