
In: Biology

How would an organism be able to survive these conditions on another planet? Please explain. Thermodynamics...

How would an organism be able to survive these conditions on another planet? Please explain.

Thermodynamics - the temperature is around 233.15 K (-40 F)

Acquiring energy - receives about 70% of the sunlight that Earth receives from the Sun

Gravity - increase of gravity of 30% compared to Earth. However,more gravity means greenhouse effects increase the overall heat of the planet.

Circular orbit - seasonal changes in climate would be minimal.


Expert Solution

Survival strategies for organism to survive the conditions, mentioned below :

1) Thermodynamics : the temperature is around 233.15 K (-40 F) : Cell memebrane have to contain more number of Poly-unsaturated fatty acid with a mix of both cis and trans configurations, to maintain cell membrane fluidity even at very low temparature. Continous synthesis of different cold shock proteins to maintain molecular functioning of cells like regulation and maintennace of genetic materials (DNA and/or RNA) and its expressions. High metabolic rate to produce enough energy to avoid hypothermia. Insulating layer of lipid molecules surrounding cell or whole body (under the skin) will help to prevent the loss of temparature.

2) Acquiring energy : receives about 70 % of the sunlight than earth : Increased surface to volume ratio will need to capture more sunlight. Thus organisms or their body part will be more elongated, more tubular or cylindrucal than being round. terminal appandages will be more flatten to capture sunlight as more as possible. A more strict chronobiological regulation or strong internal clock mechanism might be shown due to make the organism more efficient to utilize the sunlight when it is present (or during day time).

3) Gravity : increases gravity of 30% compared to earth (increased green house effect causing more heat capture) : Increased gravity will lead to increase pull on the body and body fluids. Body fluids will tend to gather more 'dowwards' (or to the drection of gravity). Thus it need a strongers heart to make the body fluid moving all over the body. Increased heigth of the organism will cause more trouble thue they should be shorter in height. Muscle tissues and bones will be stronger and wider (denser) that required diring terrestrial movement under a high gravitational pressure. Captured increased heat might lead to hyperthermia, thus a well developed sweating or perpirating system should be there. increasd surface area to volume ration will help to occur more number of sweat gland on skin.

Circular Orbit : minimal seasonal changes : Organism will tend to show having more general features than to adapt in a particular extreme condition (like hot weather or cold winter). Lower Seasonal variation will lead to more immense competetion between all the organisms, present in all season and a loss of tempral adapaion (like circa-annual cycle) might be in reduced importance.

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