Describe an application of exploratory factor analysis that is
specific to research industry or to data...
Describe an application of exploratory factor analysis that is
specific to research industry or to data science. Explain why this
technique is suitable in terms of measurement scale of variables
and their roles.
Describe an application of exploratory factor analysis that is
specific to your industry or to your academic interests(Data
Science). Explain why this technique is suitable in terms of
measurement scale of variables and their roles.
Describe an application of multiple discriminant analysis that
is specific to your industry(Scientific Research) or to your
academic interests. Explain why this technique is suitable in terms
of measurement scale of variables and their roles.
Describe an application of multivariate statistical analysis
that is specific to your industry(Education or Scientific Research)
or to your academic interests(data science). Explain why this
technique is suitable in terms of measurement scale of variables
and their roles.
Describe an application of multiple discriminant analysis that
is specific to your industry or to your academic interests(Data
Science). Explain why this technique is suitable in terms of
measurement scale of variables and their roles.
Describe an application of multiple regression analysis that is
specific to your industry or to your academic interests(Data
Science). Explain why this technique is suitable in terms of
measurement scale of variables and their roles.
Describe an application of multiple discriminant analysis that
is specific to scientific research or to your academic interests.
Explain why this technique is suitable in terms of measurement
scale of variables and their roles.
Describe some important research design used in experimental
hypothesis testing research study?
“Research design in exploratory studies must be flexible but in
descriptive studies, it must minimise bias
and maximise reliability.” Discuss.?
Give your understanding of a good research design. Is single
research design suitable in all research
studies? If not, why?
Book research methodology. Cr kothari