In: Chemistry
2) Consider this representation of a periodic table:
a. What is the group number of the shaded column?
b. What is the number of outer electrons for a neutral atom of each
element of this group?
c. You are observing/comparing how two of the element in this group
(remember vertical columns are called groups), would you expect to
see similar reactions? Explain.
a) Please attach the column/group of the periodic table.
b) In general, the groups in the periodic table can be labelled from IA to VIIIA (transition metal series is from IB to VIIB).
For groups from IA to VIIIA: The outer electron configuration is
given as-
. This involves filling up of the s orbital and then the p orbital.
(IA) to
c) Since elements in a group/column have the same number of valence electrons, they will show similar chemical properties/chemical reactions.