
In: Statistics and Probability

a researcher at the univeristy of vermont was interested in studying the relationship between attorneys' decision...

a researcher at the univeristy of vermont was interested in studying the relationship between attorneys' decision to prosecute cases and victims' credibility. she collected data on 4205 cases, her two variables were victims' credibility(coded as 0=low, 1=medium, 2=high) and case prosecuted(coded as 0=no, 1=yes). Of the 2713 cases prosecutes , in 1025 cases the victim had high credibility, in 790 of the cases the victim had medium credibility and in 989 cases the victim had low credibility . Of the 1492 cases that were not prosecuted, in 541 the victim had high credibility, in 745 the victim had medium credibility, and in 206 the victim had low credibility.

Victims credibility

Cases Prosecuted low med high

no 206 745 541

yes 898 790 1025

a. What are the independent and dependent variable?

b. Is there a statistically significant relationship bewteen victim's credibility and the prosecutors decision to prosecute? (Be sure to write out the six steps)

c. What type of error might you be making ? and how could you reduce the likelihood of making that type or error?

d. What percentage of cases were prosecuted in this sample?

e. For those cases where the victims had high credibility, what percentage were prosecuted?


Expert Solution


Independent variable: Cases prosecuted

Dependent variable: Victims credibility


Here we need to use hi square test of independence.

Hypotheses are:

H0: There is no statistically significant relationship between victim's credibility and the prosecutors decision to prosecute.

Ha: There is a statistically significant relationship between victim's credibility and the prosecutors decision to prosecute.

Let level of significance:

Degree of freedom: df =( number of rows -1)*(number of columns-1) = (2-1)*(3-1)=2

The critical value using excel function "=CHIINV(0.05,2)" is 5.991

Rejection region:

If , reject H0

Following table shows the row total and column total:

Victims credibility
Low Med High Total
Cases Prosecuted No 206 745 541 1492
Yes 898 790 1025 2713
Total 1104 1535 1566 4205

Expected frequencies will be calculated as follows:

Following table shows the expected frequencies:

Victims credibility
Low Med High Total
Cases Prosecuted No 391.717 544.642 555.641 1492
Yes 712.283 990.358 1010.359 2713
Total 1104 1535 1566 4205

Following table shows the calculations for chi square test statistics:

O E (O-E)^2/E
206 391.717 88.05031206
898 712.283 48.42289383
745 544.642 73.70589885
790 990.358 40.53415852
541 555.641 0.385786652
1025 1010.359 0.212161104
Total 4205 4205 251.311211

Following is the test statistics:


Since test statistics lies in rejection region so we reject the null hypothesis.

That is we can conclude that there is a statistically significant relationship between victim's credibility and the prosecutors decision to prosecute.


Since we reject the null hypothesis so type I error is possible. To reduce the likelihood of making that type I we need to reduce the level of significance.


The percentage of cases were prosecuted in this sample is

(2713 /4205 ) *100% = 64.52%


The required percentage is

(1025 / 1566) *100% = 65.45%

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