
In: Computer Science

PYTHON PROGRAMMING Using tktinker, create a gui that surrounds the code below that has buttons and...


Using tktinker, create a gui that surrounds the code below that has buttons and labels and an overall theme.

# Meet the chatbot Eve
print('Hi there! Welcome to the ChatBot station. I am going to ask you a series of questions and all you have to do is answer!')
print(' ')
print('Lets get started')

#begin questions

firstName = input('What is your first name?: ')
lastName = input('What is your last name? ')

print("Hi there, ", firstName + lastName, "nice to meet you")
print(" ")

# questions about users favorite things
currentYear = 2020
birthDay = input('What is the year were you born?: ')
birthDay = int(birthDay)
print('Wow! You are already', currentYear - birthDay)
print(" ")

# questions about favorite hobbies
firstHobby = input('Do you play any sports? ')
if(firstHobby == 'Yes'):
    sport = input('What sport do you play? ')
    print("Nice! I played Soccer and Tennis back when I was human")
    print(" ")
    print("Bummer, I always liked sports")
    print(" ")

favAnimal = input('What is your favorite animal? ')
print("Oooohhh what a cool animal! My favorite is the red panda, such a unique and cute species!")
print(" ")

favSeason = input('What is your favorite season? ')
if(favSeason == 'Fall'):
    print("Wow! That is my favorite season also! The colors of the leaves are amazing")
    print(" ")
    print("Nice! My favorite season is Fall!")
    print(" ")

siblings = input('Do you have any siblings in your family? ')
if(siblings == 'Yes'):
    print("Very nice, back when I was born a human I grew up with a sister")
    print(" ")
    print("An only child I see")
    print(" ")

stateBorn = input('What state were you born in? ')
if(stateBorn == 'West Virginia'):
    print("My creator is also from there!")
    print(" ")
    print("What a lovely state")
    print(" ")

#end questions

print("Well I thank you for your time but that is all the time we have, thank you for joining me today")


Expert Solution

Programmed using PyCharm, After each entry press 'Enter Button'.


from tkinter import *

window=Tk() # Initialize tkinter window
window.title("ChatBot") # Title of the window
window.geometry("480x900") # Geometry of the Window

displayState = 1 # Initialize displaystate

def onClick(): # Onclick Function
    global displayState # Declare variable as global
    if displayState == 1: # If displayState is 1
        window.first = e1.get() # Get Values from e1 entry
        window.last = e2.get() # Get Values from e2 entry
        label5 = Label(window, text=f"Hi there,{window.first} {window.last}, nice to meet you", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=175) # Label
        label6 = Label(window, text="What is the year were you born?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=200) # Label
        window.e3 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window, y=225) # Placement of entry box

    elif displayState == 2:
        year = window.e3.get() # Get Values from e3 entry
        currentYear = 2020 # Set Value of currentYear
        age = currentYear - int(year) # Calculate Age
        label7 = Label(window, text=f"Wow! You are already', {age}", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=250) # Label
        label8 = Label(window, text="Do you play any sports?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=275) # Label
        window.e4 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window, y=300) # Placement of entry box

    elif displayState == 3:
        sport = window.e4.get() # Get Values from e4 entry
        if sport == 'Yes' or sport == 'yes': # If sport is yes
            label9 = Label(window, text="What sport do you play??", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=325) # Label
            e5 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
  , y=350) # Placement of entry box
   = 1 # set value of variable
        elif sport == 'No' or sport == 'no': # If sport is no
            label9 = Label(window, text="Bummer, I always liked sports", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=325) # Label
            label11 = Label(window, text="What is your favorite animal?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=350) # Label
            window.e6 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
  , y=375) # Placement of entry box
   = 0 # set value of variable

    elif displayState == 4:
        if == 1:
            label10 = Label(window, text="Nice! I played Soccer and Tennis back when I was human", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=375) # Label
            label11 = Label(window, text="What is your favorite animal?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=400) # Label
            window.e6 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
  , y=425) # Placement of entry box
        elif == 0:
            label12 = Label(window, text="Oooohhh what a cool animal! My favorite is the red panda,\n such a unique and cute species!", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=400) # Label
            label13 = Label(window, text="What is your favorite season?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=450) # Label
            window.e7 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
  , y=475) # Placement of entry box
    elif displayState == 5:
        if == 1:
            label12 = Label(window,
                            text="Oooohhh what a cool animal! My favorite is the red panda,\n such a unique and cute species!",
                            font="times 12", justify=LEFT).place(x=5, y=450) # Label
            label13 = Label(window, text="What is your favorite season?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=500) # Label
            window.e7 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
  , y=525)  # Placement of entry box
        elif == 0:
            season = window.e7.get()
            if season == 'Fall':
                label13 = Label(window, text="Wow! That is my favorite season also! The colors of the leaves are amazing", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=500) # Label
                label14 = Label(window, text="Do you have any siblings in your family?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=525) # Label
                window.e8 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=550) # Placement of entry box
                label13 = Label(window,
                                text="Nice! My favorite season is Fall!",
                                font="times 12").place(x=5, y=500) # Label
                label14 = Label(window, text="Do you have any siblings in your family?", font="times 12").place(x=5,
                                                                                                                y=525) # Label
                window.e8 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=550) # Placement of entry box
    elif displayState == 6:
        if == 1:
            season = window.e7.get()
            if season == 'Fall':
                label13 = Label(window, text="Wow! That is my favorite season also! The colors of the leaves are amazing", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=550) # Label
                label14 = Label(window, text="Do you have any siblings in your family?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=575) # Label
                window.e8 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=600) # Placement of entry box
                label13 = Label(window,
                                text="Nice! My favorite season is Fall!",
                                font="times 12").place(x=5, y=550) # Label
                label14 = Label(window, text="Do you have any siblings in your family?", font="times 12").place(x=5,
                                                                                                                y=575) # Label
                window.e8 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=600) # Placement of entry box
        if == 0:
            siblings = window.e8.get()
            if siblings == 'Yes' or siblings == 'yes':
                label14 = Label(window, text="Very nice, back when I was born a human I grew up with a sister", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=575) # Label
                label15 = Label(window, text="What state were you born in?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=600) # Label
                window.e9 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=625) # Placement of entry box
            elif siblings == 'No' or siblings == 'no':
                label14 = Label(window, text="An only child I see", font="times 12").place(x=5,y=575) # Label
                label15 = Label(window, text="What state were you born in?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=600) # Label
                window.e9 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=625) # Placement of entry box
    elif displayState == 7:
        if == 1:
            siblings = window.e8.get()
            if siblings == 'Yes' or siblings == 'yes':
                label14 = Label(window, text="Very nice, back when I was born a human I grew up with a sister", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=625) # Label
                label15 = Label(window, text="What state were you born in?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=650) # Label
                window.e9 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=675) # Placement of entry box
            elif siblings == 'No' or siblings == 'no':
                label14 = Label(window, text="An only child I see", font="times 12").place(x=5,y=625) # Label
                label15 = Label(window, text="What state were you born in?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=650) # Label
                window.e9 = Entry(window, width=25) # Entry window
      , y=675) # Placement of entry box
        if == 0:
            state = window.e9.get()
            if state == 'West Virginia':
                label16 = Label(window, text="My creator is also from there!", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=650) # Label
                label16 = Label(window, text="Well I thank you for your time but that is all the time we have,\n thank you for joining me today", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=675) # Label
                label16 = Label(window, text="What a lovely state", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=650) # Label
                label16 = Label(window, text="Well I thank you for your time but that is all the time we have,\n thank you for joining me today", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=675) # Label
    elif displayState == 8:
        if == 1:
            state = window.e9.get()
            if state == 'West Virginia':
                label16 = Label(window, text="My creator is also from there!", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=700) # Label
                label16 = Label(window, text="Well I thank you for your time but that is all the time we have,\n thank you for joining me today", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=725) # Label
                label16 = Label(window, text="What a lovely state", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=700) # Label
                label16 = Label(window, text="Well I thank you for your time but that is all the time we have,\n thank you for joining me today", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=725) # Label

    displayState += 1

label1 = Label(window, text ="Hi there! Welcome to the ChatBot station.\nI am going to ask you a series of questions and all you have to do is answer!", font="times 12", justify=LEFT).place(x=5, y =5) # Label
label2 = Label(window, text ="Lets get started", font="times 12").place(x=5, y =50) # Label
label3 = Label(window, text ="What is your first name?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y =75) # Label

e1 = Entry(window, width=25) # get values of e1, y=100) # Placement of entry box

label4 = Label(window, text="What is your last name?", font="times 12").place(x=5, y=125) # Label
e2 = Entry(window, width=25) # get values of e2, y=150) # Placement of entry box

b1 = Button(window, text='Enter', width=30, command=onClick).place(x=100, y=800) # Button



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