In: Anatomy and Physiology
Oral delivery of insulin improve the life of diabetes patients receive insulin by means of subcutaneous route of administration when we take any medicines orally it have several advantages for example if any diabetes patient take insulin orally then there is high patient compliance liver activate fastly
Liver is the largest organ in human body and insulin is produced by the B cells of pancreas there is GLUT 2 receptor present on Cell plasma so there is change In glucose to glucagon 6 phosphatase with help of glucokinase and insulin stimulates and glycogen storage in liver GLUT 4 is the major transported of adipose and other tissues insulin binds to receptor further stimulates the GLUT 4 transporter
Digestive enzyme are more important for insulin transportation because these enzymes break down the food into smaller particles and which produce the insulin hormone and breakdown food yield gives energy and also control the sugar level
As we know glucose is the source of energy and main compounds of human body
Carbohydrates can be reduced into simple form called glucose
When we eat any type of food that food travels in stomach and intestines where it broken and change in nutrients then nutrients will absorbed and distributed through blood stream insulin helps liver to store Fat muscle to store glucose and reserves as energy liver releases small amounts of glucose in keep blood glucose sugar within healthy range
Gastric by pass surgery causes anemia because our body needs all the nutrients which is essential for human body which make haemoglobin and red blood cells weigh loss surgery or bariatric surgery causes reduces the level of acid which is present in our stomach that's why gastric by pass causes anemia
Vitamin B12 also called castles intrinsic factor also called RBC maturation factor and foliate acid can cure the anemia and healthy diet also recommended
Rapid breathing also called kusaumal breathing which is symptoms of ketone in this condition high level.of ketones present in body causes discomfort
Acidosis is high level of acid in body when high level of acids present in body this can compensate and remove the acid