In: Physics
I want you guys to rewrite this lab procedure, and it is fine if it was shorter than this.
An air track was fitted with two photocell bridges, one on each side of the collision region. Each bridge was operating in a gate mode timer that allows the collection of time intervals before and after collision. To ensure that friction and gravity have minimal effects, the track was leveled. Before starting the experiment, we ensured that loss in velocity was no greater than two percent in either direction. To check this, we sent one glider in one direction and noted the time to cross each photocell placed one meter apart. The difference between the two times divided by the time to cross the first photocell was the fraction of momentum that was lost due to friction and gained or lost due to gravity. The track was readjusted accordingly and the check was repeated in the other direction.
The first step in starting the experiment was measuring the masses of the two gliders (i.e. the heavy glider and the light glider). The masses of the gliders were made “heavy” or “light” by adding trimming weights. Then, a series of four collisions (each repeated three times) were conducted
“H” indicates heavy glider, “L” indicates light glider, “Off” indicates that the collision was made elastic by facing the bumpers toward one another, and “On” indicates that the collision was made inelastic by the mounting the “sticky bumpers” on each end (i.e. pin and putty attachments).
Using the memory mode of the photoelectric timers, we were able to collect times for both instances (before and after collision) that that glider past the photobridges. The first data point was our first time point and the second data point was the total of the first and second time point. Therefore, to get the second time, we had to subtract the first time point from the second data point. These times were then used to caluculate the velocities and subsequently the momentum and kinetic energy of both gliders.
In the experiment two photocells briges are connected in an air tract in between the collision region.To detect the time interval between the collision we connected a gate mode timer.To ensure that friction and gravity the tract was leveld with minimal effect.Before start the experiment we have to check the loss in velocity is not greater than two percent in either direction.So we have to sent one glider in a direction of a photocells,have one metre difference and noted the time interval of each photocells to cross to each other.The time taken by cross to each cell is divided and the results is or we get the value is the fraction of momentum that was lost due to friction and gained or lost due to gravity. Readjest and repeated the experiment accordingly,then find the mass of gliders.
In the experiment glider 'H' indicate the heavy glider and ''L' is light glider ,'OFF'indicates that the collision is elastic by facing the bumpers towarst one another,and '''On' is indicates inelastic by mounting sticky bumpers.
By using the memory mode of photoelectric timers,we are able to collect time for both instances.We get the data point,first one first time and second data is the total of the first and second .So that ,to get the second time we had to subtract the first time point from the second data point.These Value s are used to calculate the velocities and subsequently the momentum and kinetic energy of both gliders.