
In: Computer Science

Consider simple infix expressions that consist of single-digit operands; the operators +, -, *, and /;...

Consider simple infix expressions that consist of single-digit operands; the operators +, -, *, and /; and the parentheses. Assume that unary operators are illegal and that the expression contains no embedded spaces. Design and implement a class of infix calculators. The class should have the following members:

Private members:

  1. a string to store an infix expression for evaluation.

  2. a private member function that checks if an infix expression is well formed. (A well formed expression consists of single-digit operands; the operators +, -, *, and /; and the parentheses.)

  3. a private member function that checks for balanced brackets of an expression using the algorithm studied.

  4. a private member function that converts an infix expression to a postfix expression using the algorithm studied.

  5. a private member function that determines the precedence of an operator

  6. a private member function that evaluates a postfix expression using the algorithm studied.

Public members:

  1. a default constructor.

  2. a function that sets the data member by an infix expression. The function must first check if the infix expression is well formed and balanced with brackets by calling private member function 2 and 3 before passing it to the data member. The function returns true if the operation is successfully performed. Otherwise it returns false to indicate the parameter expression is not valid.

  3. a function that evaluates the expression stored in the data member. This function should not have any parameters. The function should first convert the infix expression to its postfix form and then evaluate the resulting postfix expression.

Other requirements

#The program to be written in C++. After submit the answer, can you double check and test run the code?

  • Use the link-based Stack with exceptions.

  • Write a main function to test your calculators. Your program should allow the user to evaluate additional expressions until the user wants to end the program.

  • You should not assume that the expression is well-formed. The user is asked to reenter an expression if the expression entered is not well-formed.

  • You should not assume that the parentheses in the expression are balanced. The user is asked to reenter an expression if the expression entered is not balanced. Use the algorithm discussed in Chapter 6 to solve this problem.


Expert Solution

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace InfixExpressionCalculator
/// <summary>
/// Class containing methods for evaluating infix expressions. Infix expressions are arithmetic expressions
/// written in traditional notation, such as (2+3)-4.
/// </summary>
public static class InfixExpressionCalculator
/// <summary>
/// Dictionary mapping operators to order of precedence. Larger integers indicate greater precedence.
/// <br/><br/>
/// Operators omitted by this dictionary are unsupported. Also note that the - operator cannot be used to
/// negate a number.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<char, int> Operators = new Dictionary<char, int>
{'-', 1},
{'+', 2},
{'/', 3},
{'*', 4}
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates an infix expression by 1) converting it to a postfix expression and 2) evaluating the
/// postfix expression.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="infix">A string infix expression.</param>
/// <returns>A decimal storing the infix expression's evaluation.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if the infix expression is invalid.</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.DivideByZeroException">Thrown if the infix expression attempts to divide by 0.</exception>
public static decimal EvaluateInfix(string infix)
return EvaluatePostfix(InfixToPostfix(infix));
# region InfixToPostfix
/// <summary>
/// Uses the shunting-yard algorithm to parse an infix expression and convert it to a postfix expression.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="infix">A string infix expression.</param>
/// <returns>A string postfix expression.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if the infix expression is invalid.</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if the infix expression is null, empty, or consists only of whitespace characters.</exception>
public static string InfixToPostfix(string infix)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(infix)) throw new ArgumentException("Expression is empty.");
var operatorStack = new Stack<char>();
var output = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char token in Regex.Replace(infix, @"\s+", ""))
if (Operators.ContainsKey(token))
HandleOperatorCase(token, operatorStack, output);
switch (token)
case '(':
case ')':
HandleRightParenthesisCase(operatorStack, output);
// Token must be a number. Don't append a space since the number may have multiple digits.
EmptyOperatorStack(operatorStack, output);
return output.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Pops operators off operatorStack having greater or equal precedence to operatorToken, appends the operators
/// to the output string, then pushes operatorToken onto operatorStack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operatorToken">The operator to parse.</param>
/// <param name="operatorStack">The shunting-yard algorithm's operator stack.</param>
/// <param name="output">The shunting-yard algorithm's current output string.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if two operators are adjacent.</exception>
private static void HandleOperatorCase(char operatorToken, Stack<char> operatorStack, StringBuilder output)
// The operator case is the only case where a space is appended to the output string ahead of
// the next iteration. Thus, if the last character in the output string is a space, then two
// operators must be adjacent to one another.
if (output.Length > 0 && output[output.Length - 1] == ' ')
throw new Exception(String.Format(
"Operators {0} and {1} are adjacent.", operatorStack.Peek(), operatorToken));
// Pop operators off operatorStack having greater or equal precedence to operatorToken.
// Note that a left parenthesis on the stack will stop the loop.
while (operatorStack.Count > 0 && Operators.ContainsKey(operatorStack.Peek()) &&
Operators[operatorStack.Peek()] >= Operators[operatorToken])
output.Append(" ").Append(operatorStack.Pop());
output.Append(" ");
/// <summary>
/// Pops operators off operatorStack and appends them to the output string until a matching left parenthesis
/// is found. The matching left parenthesis is then popped off operatorStack but is not appended to the output
/// string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operatorStack">The shunting-yard algorithm's operator stack.</param>
/// <param name="output">The shunting-yard algorithm's current output string.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if a matching left parenthesis is not found.</exception>
private static void HandleRightParenthesisCase(Stack<char> operatorStack, StringBuilder output)
while (operatorStack.Count > 0 && operatorStack.Peek() != '(')
output.Append(" ").Append(operatorStack.Pop());
if (operatorStack.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Missing ( parenthesis.");
/// <summary>
/// Pops remaining operators off operatorStack and appends them to the output string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operatorStack">The shunting-yard algorithm's operator stack.</param>
/// <param name="output">The shunting-yard algorithm's current output string.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if a left parenthesis is found on the stack.</exception>
private static void EmptyOperatorStack(Stack<char> operatorStack, StringBuilder output)
while (operatorStack.Count > 0)
if (operatorStack.Peek() == '(')
throw new Exception("Missing ) parenthesis.");
output.Append(" ").Append(operatorStack.Pop());
#region EvaluatePostfix
/// <summary>
/// Uses a stack to evaluate a postfix expression to a number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="postfix">A string postfix expression.</param>
/// <returns>A decimal storing the postfix expression's evaluation.</returns>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if the postfix expression is invalid.</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown if the postfix expression is null, empty, or consists only of whitespace characters.</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.DivideByZeroException">Thrown if the postfix expression attempts to divide by 0.</exception>
public static decimal EvaluatePostfix(string postfix)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postfix)) throw new ArgumentException("Expression is empty.");
var stack = new Stack<decimal>();
foreach (string token in Regex.Split(postfix.Trim(), @"\s+"))
if (token.Length == 1 && Operators.ContainsKey(token[0]))
if (stack.Count < 2) throw new Exception("Too many operators.");
decimal operand2 = stack.Pop(), operand1 = stack.Pop();
ApplyOperatorToOperands(token[0], operand1, operand2, stack);
// Token must be a number.
catch (FormatException)
throw new Exception(String.Format("{0} is not a valid number.", token));
return stack.Pop();
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates the expression `operand1 operatorToken operand2`, then pushes the result onto stack.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operatorToken">The operator to apply to operand1 and operand2.</param>
/// <param name="operand1">The expression's first operand.</param>
/// <param name="operand2">The expression's second operand.</param>
/// <param name="stack">The stack being used to evaluate a postfix expression.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.Exception">Thrown if operatorToken is unsupported.</exception>
/// <exception cref="System.DivideByZeroException">Thrown if the expression attempts to divide by 0.</exception>
private static void ApplyOperatorToOperands(char operatorToken, decimal operand1, decimal operand2,
Stack<decimal> stack)
switch (operatorToken)
case '-':
stack.Push(operand1 - operand2);
case '+':
stack.Push(operand1 + operand2);
case '/':
if (operand2 == 0) throw new DivideByZeroException();
case '*':
throw new Exception(
String.Format("{0} is an unsupported operator.", operatorToken));

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