In: Operations Management
An emerging market country that i would want to expand my business would be India
I would like to launch a fertilizer industry in India..
Factors on which i selected India are because:-
a) india's primary income is based on agriculture that means majority of the population are dependent on agriculture which implies there will be high demand of fertilizer.
b) India has a huge population and there will be plenty of demand of the product which means economies of scale can be achieved
c) ease of business.
d) stable government..
e) good infrastructure..
f) well connected with the roadways, railways and waterways.
Pros for operating in India are:
Cons for operating in India are:
My risk mitigation backup plan to prevent failure is i will set up my industry with the help of government where government will also promote my product because of higher share of taxes given by our company to the government.
Will not associate celebriries to promote the product which will result in low cost and hence we can supply at a very cheap cost.
Will also engage experts who can provide their expertise in farming and its practices.