
In: Economics

Briefly describe each of the following: the role of colonialism, international trade and debt, multinational corporations,...

Briefly describe each of the following: the role of colonialism, international trade and debt, multinational corporations, overpopulation, the distribution of resources, and agricultural technology on hunger and food insecurity globally.


Expert Solution

  1. The role of Colonialism- Colonialism is the policy that a nation seeks to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, with the aim of opening trade opportunities. The colonizing country seeks to benefit from the colonized country or land mass. In the process, colonizers imposed their religion, economics, and medicinal practices on the natives. The role of colonialism involves large scale immigration motivated by religious, political or economical reasons. Exploitation colonialism involves exploitation of resources. There is also a notion of uneven structural powers between nation and state.
  2. International trade and debt- International trade is the exchange of goods, services and capital across national borders. This is the only way for people to acquire the resources that they do not have. A trade deficit or debt is generally caused when a country’s imports cost exceeds the exports. When there are huge tariffs imposed and no export credits, it’s obvious that a country would be laden with debts.
  1. Multinational corporations- A multinational corporation is one which owns or controls production of goods or services in at least one country other than its home country. MNC’s may be involved in importing goods and services, investment in foreign country, Contract manufacturing, buying and selling licences in foreign market, etc.
  1. Overpopulation- Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by number of factors such as reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources, etc. There is no balance between the birth and death rate. Lack of family planning, Immigration, technological advancements all lead to overpopulation.
  1. The distribution of resources- Resource distribution refers to the distribution of resources, including land, water, minerals, fuel, etc among the geographic entities such as states countries, etc. Resource distribution refers to the geographic occurrence or spatial arrangement of where resources are located on earth. There is no even distribution of resources as there may be some places where the resource availability is greater than other places across the globe.
  1. Agricultural technology on hunger and food insecurity globally- Agricultural technology has helped a lot in reducing hunger and enhancing the food security so that income is generated through the agricultural activities also the nutrition benefits are evenly distributed. There are various technological advancements which help to enhance the food security such as Practising seasonal soil rotation, better technology and equipment’s, ways on how to use the fertilizers in the most optimal way possible. All these advancements have reduced the insecurity globally.

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