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Reflection topic: Netiquette, peer assessment, and feedback We know that using netiquette online is important, but...

Reflection topic: Netiquette, peer assessment, and feedback

  1. We know that using netiquette online is important, but why? What are the consequences of bad netiquette in the classroom? In your response, be sure to reflect on how it feels to be addressed with bad netiquette, and how you think others feel.
  2. How does netiquette relate to peer assessment? Why is it important to use good manners when leaving feedback?
  3. How do you feel about the feedback you received this week? What about the feedback you gave?

The Learning Journal entry should be a minimum of 400 words and not more than 750 words. Use APA citations and references if you use ideas from the readings or other sources.


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1. We know that using netiquette online is important, but why? What are the consequences of bad netiquette in the classroom? In your response, be sure to reflect on how it feels to be addressed with bad netiquette, and how you think others feel.

Nowadays we use it is in online communication such as e-mail, forums, blogs, and social networking sites. It is important to use netiquette because communication online is non-verbal.

When we communicate through cyberspace, via email or on discussion groups .Our words are written and chances are they're stored somewhere but we have no control over them.

Nobody can control your emotion, behavior or action except yourself. That is the reason why were some consequences of bad netiquette in the classroom. Nobody is immune to miscommunication and good netiquette techniques can minimize hurt feelings, relationships, and embarrassing moments.

For me, when you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer screen. You don't have the opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to communicate your meaning; words, lonely written words are all you've got. And that goes for your correspondent as well.

I always think that positive thinking is better than negative thinking. It helps me passed difficult things in life. So, it doesn’t matter if someone disagrees with my opinion. The important thing is help us to maintain and establish positive online relationships as well as develop knowledge together.

2. How does netiquette relate to peer assessment? Why is it important to use good manners when leaving feedback?

The relative between netiquette and peer assessment is everyone can be completely engaged in the interaction, communication and participation in a virtual classroom. We are able to forge strong relationships and connections with other online learners. Netiquette is a way of defining professionalism through network communication

Why is it important to use good manners when leaving feedback because that is a good opportunity to describe your leave neutral feedback to peer assessment.

3.How do you feel about the feedback you received this week? What about the feedback you gave?

Actually, I just try to complete my assignment as good as I can. But I hope to receive feedback is a good advises from peers assessment in order to motivate to me because it helps me balance out my strengths and weakness in the study.

Normally, I give the assignment to peers in the class is based on the task of unit requirement and then look at what the main purpose of essay’s writer. What is strength point of author or weakness point I will impress my thought to peers with respected all and I often say some words before finishing comment. “Thank you for your sharing”

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