
In: Biology

Bacterial gene expression (cont): A. What is an allosteric regulatory molecule? B. For the trp operon,...

Bacterial gene expression (cont):

A. What is an allosteric regulatory molecule?

B. For the trp operon, describe how this repressible operon is regulated


Expert Solution

A. Allosreric regulatory molecule is the regulation of an enzyme that binding site for an effector molecule or specific molecule, the site to which the effector that binds is refered as allosteric regulatory molecule.
B. The repressible operon is regulated by the repressor which binds to the DNA of the operator which results in the operon is transcribed by getting in the way of RNA polymerase.

It has two levels of regulation:

- On-off mechanism

- attuenation: it is the mechanism based on the coupling of transcription and translation.

When the trp operon is regulated by trp repressor, when trp operon is bound to tryptophan it results in the blocking expression of the operon.

when the tryptophan levels are low, the trp operon turned "on" ,when the tryptophan levels are high, the trp operon turned "off".

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