
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Highlight the performance of the; Romanian Deadlift (stiff legged Deadlift), High bar back squat, Summo squat,...

Highlight the performance of the; Romanian Deadlift (stiff legged Deadlift), High bar back squat, Summo squat, and the Front squat. How do these exercises differ in their ability to target these following muscles: Biceps Femoris, Semimenbranousus, Semitendinousus, Gluteus maximus, the six Deep lateral rotators, Iliopsoas, Pectineus, Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, and Tensor Fasciae Latae ?


Expert Solution

  • Romanian deadlift - while doing romanian deadlifts, one required to maintain the back arched. This isolates hamstrings and glutes
    • Gluteus Maximus
    • Hamstrings -
      • Bicep femoris
      • Semimembranous
      • Semitendinous
  • High bar back squat - this is a knee dominant movement and requires the quadriceps to act more. The knees bend more compared to the hips
    • act on the
      • Rectus femoris
      • Vastus lateralis
      • Vastus medialis
      • Vastus intermedialis
  • Summo squats - in these squats the feet are place more that shoulder length apart with the toes are angled outwards away from the midline.This position of the feet work out the adductor group of muscle in addition to the other muscle worked out in a normal squat. Muscle worked out are
    • Quadriceps
      • Rectus femoris
      • Vastus lateralis
      • Vastus medialis
      • Vastus intermedialis
    • Gluteus muscles
    • Hamstrings
      • Bicep femoris
      • Semimembranous
      • Semitendinous
    • Calves
      • Gastrocnemius
    • Inner thighs
      • Pectineus
      • Adductor longs
      • Adductor Brevis
      • Adductor Magnus
  • Front squat - the placement of the weight in the front the body requires the action of the back muscle and the quadricep to ensure an upright posture muscle worked are
    • Quadriceps
      • Rectus femoris
      • Vastus lateralis
      • Vastus medialis
      • Vastus intermedialis
    • Back muscle -erector
    • Glutes maximums

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