
In: Mechanical Engineering

Write an Matlab Program for Wankel Engine Gemontry. State your and assumptions and post the code

Write an Matlab Program for Wankel Engine Gemontry.

State your and assumptions and post the code


Expert Solution

clear; clc;

R1 = 2; % Radius of fixed circle R2 = (3/2)*R1; % Radius of moving circle (circle 2 which is rolling on the inner side of cirle 1) E = 7; % Excentricity: This is the distance between the drawing/tracking point and the center of circle 2

df1 = 1; % The angel step size of the center of circle 2 regarding center to the center of cirle 1 [°] df2 = df1 * (1 - R1/R2); % Rotation of circle 2

z0 = (R1-R2) + 0i; % Position of center of circle 2 (as a complex number z=x+y*i) (i=imaginary unit)

c1 = E * exp ( i * 0 * (pi/180)); % Position of the first drawing/tracking point (first corner of the piston) c2 = E * exp ( i * 120 * (pi/180)); % Position of the second drawing/tracking point (second corner of the piston) c3 = E * exp ( i * 240 * (pi/180)); % Position of the third drawing/tracking point (third corner of the piston)

Piston = [c1 c2 c3]; % The piston is the triangle created by the three corners c1, c2 & c3 Piston = Piston + z0; HoleInPiston = R2 * exp([0:3:360] * i * (pi/180)); CrankShaft = R1 * exp([0:3:360] * i * (pi/180));

figure(1); hold on; grid on; box on; axis equal; xlim([-13 13]) ylim([-13 13]) ScreenShot = getframe;

for k = 1 : 3*360 % 'k' because i already used for imaginary no.

    % Pure translation of the center of circle 2:
        z0 = z0 * exp ( i * df1 * (pi/180)); 
    % Whole triangle (piston) has to follow the center:
        Piston = Piston - mean(Piston) + z0;
        HoleInPiston = HoleInPiston - mean(HoleInPiston) + z0;
    % Final step: Pure rotation of circle 2 ( = pure rotation of the piston)
    %   Step is: Bring whole piston to the center of cirle 1, rotate it and bring it back to old position
        Piston = (Piston - z0) * exp ( i * df2 * (pi/180)) + z0;
    plot( real(Piston(1)) , imag(Piston(1)), 'r.')
    plot( real(Piston(2)) , imag(Piston(2)), 'b.')
    plot( real(Piston(3)) , imag(Piston(3)), 'g.')
    fill( real(Piston) , imag(Piston), 'y');     % Deleting the piston from the figure
    fill( real(HoleInPiston) , imag(HoleInPiston), 'w')
    fill( real(CrankShaft) , imag(CrankShaft), 'k')
    ScreenShot(end+1) = getframe;
    TheCurrentAxisOfTheDiagram = get(gca);
    AllCurvesInTheFigure = TheCurrentAxisOfTheDiagram.Children;
    delete (  AllCurvesInTheFigure(1) ); %Deleting the  from the figure
    delete (  AllCurvesInTheFigure(2) ); %Deleting the  from the figure
    delete (  AllCurvesInTheFigure(3) ); %Deleting the piston from the figure


fill( real(Piston) , imag(Piston), 'y'); % Deleting the piston from the figure fill( real(HoleInPiston) , imag(HoleInPiston), 'w') fill( real(CrankShaft) , imag(CrankShaft), 'k')

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