In: Anatomy and Physiology
Highlight 3 exercises aimed at training the three heads of the Triceps Brachii with rationale as to why they would be effective for increasing both muscular size and strength. Make reference to the primary movements bought about by the 3 heads of the Triceps Brachii and how they are targeted with the exercises you choose.
Exersice that train the head of biceps brachi are listed below
Reverse curls
It uses the dumbbells reverse grips to perform curl movement that are normal . throughout this movement the knuckles face towards the ceiling.Its range of motion is little bit less than regular curls . Hand should be in pronated position at the begining and end . It helps in developing the muscle and strength of head of biceps and it is normal in flexion and extension and with dumbbells excess training with resistance occur
Without bending of arms curl the arms up with the dumbel in your arms and repeat this in directions
It both indirectly and directly helps to enhance the development and appearance of biceps head . As this Exersice pushes the long head down it will lead to increase in muscle strength.The activiy of long head of biceps is the direct effect . In this Exersice the head of biceps will remain active through out the range of motion . So training will lead to hypertrophy of muscle
With the help of a preacher bench with dumbeks in hand and shoulders facing away from us lowering the weight until full extension take place and then rotating hand so that palm of hand face towards up and tgen we have to curl up dumbel back to shoulders
It also helps in the development of biceps muscle. The activation of biceps and pushing it against will lead to strengthening of muscles