
In: Statistics and Probability

Individual Bettendorf Experience (X1) Education (X2) Sex (X3) 1 53600 5.5 4 F 2 52500 9...

Individual Bettendorf Experience (X1) Education (X2) Sex (X3)
1 53600 5.5 4 F
2 52500 9 4 M
3 58900 4 5 F
4 59000 8 4 M
5 57500 9.5 5 M
6 55500 3 4 F
7 56000 7 3 F
8 52700 1.5 4.5 F
9 65000 8.5 5 M
10 60000 7.5 6 F
11 56000 9.5 2 M
12 54900 6 2 F
13 55000 2.5 4 M
14 60500 1.5 4.5 M

1. At the 5% level of significance, is there a relationship in the population between the three predictors taken as a group and the annual salary for teachers?

Select one:

a. Yes

b.Cannot be determined from the data


d.50/50 chance that there is.

Which predictor(s), if any, would you remove because it does not contribute to the regression models, using the 90% confidence level, α = .10?

Select one:

a.Sex and Experience

b. None

c. Education

d. Experience


Expert Solution

Using Excel, input data in the following manner:

Bettendorf Experience (X1) Education (X2) Sex (X3)
53600 5.5 4 1
52500 9 4 0
58900 4 5 1
59000 8 4 0
57500 9.5 5 0
55500 3 4 1
56000 7 3 1
52700 1.5 4.5 1
65000 8.5 5 0
60000 7.5 6 1
56000 9.5 2 0
54900 6 2 1
55000 2.5 4 0
60500 1.5 4.5 0

Go to Data, select Data Analysis, choose Regression. Put Experience, Education and Sex in X input range and Bettendorf in Y input range.

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.569
R Square 0.323
Adjusted R Square 0.120
Standard Error 3249.019
Observations 14
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 50450913.071 16816971.024 1.593 0.252
Residual 10 105561229.786 10556122.979
Total 13 156012142.857
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 50546.956 4427.058 11.418 0.000
Experience (X1) 195.327 329.659 0.593 0.567
Education (X2) 1480.630 808.958 1.830 0.097
Sex (X3) -1595.060 1857.615 -0.859 0.411

1. H0: β1 = β2 = β3 = 0, There is no relationship in the population between the three predictors taken as a group and the annual salary for teachers

H1: At least one βi is not 0, There is a relationship in the population between the three predictors taken as a group and the annual salary for teachers

p-value (Significance F) = 0.252

Level of significance = 0.05

Since p-value is more than 0.05, we do not reject the null hypothesis.

So, there is no relationship in the population between the three predictors taken as a group and the annual salary for teachers. (Option C)

2. Since p-values for Education (0.097) is less than 0.1, and p-values for other two variables is more than 0.1, we can say that only Education is a significant variable. So, we can remove experience and sex (Option A)

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