
In: Statistics and Probability

Individual Bettendorf Salary Experience (X1) Education (X2) Sex (X3) 1 53600 5.5 4.0 F 2 52500...

Individual Bettendorf Salary Experience (X1) Education (X2) Sex (X3)
1 53600 5.5 4.0 F
2 52500 9.0 4.0 M
3 58900 4.0 5.0 F
4 59000 8.0 4.0 M
5 57500 9.5 5.0 M
6 55500 3.0 4.0 F
7 56000 7.0 3.0 F
8 52700 1.5 4.5 F
9 65000 8.5 5.0 M
10 60000 7.5 6.0 F
11 56000 9.5 2.0 M
12 54900 6.0 2.0 F
13 55000 2.5 4.0 M
14 60500 1.5 4.5 M

What is the “slope” of the linear relationship?

Select one:

a. 425

b. 223.0

c. 498.0

d. .305

2. What can you conclude about the relationship?

Select one:


There is a strong negative relationship between the data.


There is a weak positive relationship between the data.


There is a strong positive relationship between the data.


There is a weak negative relationship between the data.


Expert Solution

What is the “slope” of the linear relationship?

b. 223.0

2. What can you conclude about the relationship?

b. There is a weak positive relationship between the data.

r   0.190
Std. Error   3540.188
n   14
k   1
Dep. Var. Bettendorf Salary
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 56,17,003.7047 1   56,17,003.7047 0.45 .5159
Residual 15,03,95,139.1524 12   1,25,32,928.2627
Total 15,60,12,142.8571 13  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=12) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 55,613.5041
Experience (X1) 223.0234 333.1381 0.669 .5159 -502.8223 948.8691

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