Three ways in which organizational leadership and culture can be
leveraged to enhance organziational performance are:
1. Leadership should apply strict safety norms across the
workplace including factory and offices like:
steps being taken in factory operation are:
- i)
Entering of persons inside the factory after thermal checking at
the entry. Any worker having higher temperature or showing symptoms
of Covid-19 is not allowed inside the factory.
- ii)Layout of the
equipment have been changed to ensure social distancing and the
workers while working have to adhere to these social distancing
- iii)
Automation of factories to employ robots for regular functions like
stacking of goods on racks in the warehouse, thermal screening of
people at entry, movement of goods etc
Leadeship should emphasize on use of digital and video technology
to replace physical presence in factories and field force for
- i) The
sales team meeting now happens via video conferencing to avoid
physical presence
- ii)
Clients are encouraged to register their complaints online rather
than visit branches
- iii)
Clients are encouraged to use digital and online mediums for
movement for banking operations
- iv)
Audit functions are being automated via use of digital technology
like CCTV cameras, RFID technology and other digital
Culture of safety should be enshrined in the workplace
- i)
Workers have to wear gloves and masks at all times while inside the
- ii)
Sanitization of all equipment and products at regular