
In: Computer Science

Code the following in bash and run. Please show full code and don’t forget to comment...

Code the following in bash and run. Please show full code and don’t forget to comment your code.

Make a code that takes any list of numbers and calculates and displays the mean, median and mode.


Expert Solution

Mean is also called average. The program to calculate mean is:

# Total numbers


   # copying the value of n


   # initialized sum by 0


   # array initialized with

# some numbers

array=(1 2 3 4 5)

   # loop until n is greater

# than 0

while [ $n -gt 0 ]


    # copy element in a

    # temp variable

    num=${array[`expr $n - 1`]}    


    # add them to sum

    sum=`expr $sum + $num`


    # decrement count of n

    n=`expr $n - 1`



# displaying the average

# by piping with bc command

# bc is bash calculator

# command

avg=`echo "$sum / $m" | bc -l`

printf '%0.3f' "$avg"

To compute median:


# This program computes the median of a list of integers on the command line.
# If there are no arguments, then it asks the user to enter them on
# separate lines.  Then it prints the median (middle
# value after sorting).  If there are an even number of numbers, then
# the median is the average of the 2 middle values, rounding down

# Copy the command line into array n
i=0  # current element of n
finished=0  # 1 (true) when there is no more interactive input expected
while (($# > 0)); do
  ((n[i] = $1))

# Else if there are no arguments then ask the user to enter some numbers
if ((!finished)); then
  echo Enter some numbers, one per line.  Enter a blank line when done.
  while ((!finished)); do
    read x
    if [ "$x" == "" ]; then

# If n is empty then give up
if ((size==0)); then
  echo Error: at least one number is expected
  exit 1

# Bubble sort n
while ((i>0)); do
  while ((j<i)); do
    if ((n[j]>n[j+1])); then  #swap so n[j] <= n[j+1]

# Compute the median from the middle 1 or 2 elements
((mid = size/2))
if ((size  % 2 == 0)); then
  ((median = (n[mid] + n[mid-1]) / 2))
  ((median = n[mid]))

# Print the sorted array and the median
echo The median of ${n[*]} is $median

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