
In: Anatomy and Physiology

1. What are the risks and benefits of using recombination to generate new receptors on the...

1. What are the risks and benefits of using recombination to generate new receptors on the developing T and B cells?

2. There is a certain symmetry about B and T cell development. In each case there is a chain that undergoes VJ recombination and one that does V(D)J recombination. Do you have any thoughts about why this might be?

3. When antigen is recognized the system develops Effector and Memory cells. Why do you think we have immunological memory? What is it about human life history (and more generally vertebrates) that makes this important?

4. What are the tradeoffs in vaccine use? How do they change when the prevalence of disease changes?


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Answer 3- Immunological memory refers to the memory that is created in immune system by the memory cells. The role of this memory is to prevent further attack by any antigen in body. Immune memory stores memory of all the antigens that have entered in the body in past so that when that same antigen again enters in your body then our immune system that is our antibodies can easily identify them and kill and destroy them. Infections that have occurred in the past,the memory of that infective microorganisms is stored in memory cells of immune system.when the same infective microorganisms enters the body ,the immune system cells recognise them easily and destroy them and protect us from the same disease again. Memory cells respond during the time of second attack by the antigen.

Answer 4- vaccine contains killed or weakened infective organism so that our immune system makes memory of these infective organism. These killed pathogenic organisms although dead but our immune system makes antibodies against them to prevent is from getting diseased.. b lymphocytes play a vital role in immune memory system.  

After getting vaccinated for the specific disease, when the pathogenic microorganisms enters in our body for the next time,the antibodies start attacking those antigens and kill them.

Vaccines are specific to the disease. One vaccine can just prevent from one disease only. Like Poli vaccine can protect only from poliovirus. Like when polio virus enters in body,then antibodies start to attach those polio virus cells. Polio vaccine cannot protect us from tuberculosis disease. Because it contains weakened or killed polio virus cells only and there is no memory of tuberculosis causing bacteria ,so immune system cannot recognise that bacteria and cannot produce antibodies against tuberculosis becauxe there is no memory of that tuberculosis bacteria.

So vaccine changes according to disease.

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