
In: Accounting

St. Johns River Shipyard’s welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage...

St. Johns River Shipyard’s welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage value. However, even though it is old, it is still functional as originally designed and can be used for quite a while longer. A new welder will cost $182,500 and have an estimated life of 8 years with no salvage value. The new welder will be much more efficient, however, and this enhanced efficiency will increase earnings before depreciation from $27,000 to $74,000 per year. The new machine will be depreciated over its 5-year MACRSrecoveryperiod,sotheapplicabledepreciationratesare20.00%,32.00%,19.20%, 11.52%,11.52%, and5.76%.Theapplicablecorporatetax rateis40%, and the project cost of capital is 12%. Should the old welder be replaced by the new one?


Expert Solution

Year Incremental earning Less: Dep Before tax income Less: tax After tax Income Add: Dep Annual cash flows PVf at 12% Present Value of Cf
1 47,000 36,500 (182500*20%) 10,500 4200 6,300 36,500 42,800 0.892857 38214.29
2 47,000 58400 (182500*32%) -11,400 0 -11,400 58,400 47,000 0.797194 37468.11
3 47,000 35,040 (182500*19.20%) 11,960 4784 7,176 35,040 42,216 0.71178 30048.51
4 47,000 21,024 (182500*11.52%) 25,976 10390 15,586 21,024 36,610 0.635518 23266.32
5 47,000 21,024 (182500*11.52%) 25,976 10390 15,586 21,024 36,610 0.567427 20773.5
6 47,000 10,512 (182500*5.76%) 36,488 14595 21,893 10,512 32,405 0.506631 16417.38
7 47,000 0 47,000 18800 28,200 0 28,200 0.452349 12756.25
8 47,000 0 47,000 18800 28,200 0 28,200 0.403883 11389.51
Present value of inflows 190334
Less: Investment 182500
Net present values 7834

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St. Johns River Shipyard's welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage...
St. Johns River Shipyard's welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage value. However, even though it is old, it is still functional as originally designed and can be used for quite a while longer. The new welder will cost $83,500 and have an estimated life of 8 years with no salvage value. The new welder will be much more efficient, however, and this enhanced efficiency will increase earnings before depreciation from $29,000 to $58,000 per...
St. Johns River Shipyards' welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage...
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St. Johns River Shipyards' welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage value. However, even though it is old, it is still functional as originally designed and can be used for quite a while longer. The new welder will cost $82,500 and have an estimated life of 8 years with no salvage value. The new welder will be much more efficient, however, and this enhanced efficiency will increase earnings before depreciation from $29,000 to $58,000 per...
St. Johns River Shipyards' welding machine is 15 years old, fully depreciated, and has no salvage...
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