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Please solve using jupyter notebook . 10.10- (Invoice Class) Create a class called Invoice that a...

Please solve using jupyter notebook .

10.10- (Invoice Class) Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should include four pieces of information as data attributes—a part number (a string), a part description (a string), a quantity of the item being purchased (an int) and a price per item (a Decimal). Your class should have an __init__ method that initializes the four data attributes. Provide a property for each data attribute. The quantity and price per item should each be non-negative—use validation in the properties for these data attributes to ensure that they remain valid. Provide a calculate_invoice method that returns the invoice amount (that is, multiplies the quantity by the price per item). Demonstrate class Invoice’s capabilities.


Expert Solution

Program Code [Python]

# Invoice class

class Invoice:

    # __init__ method

    def __init__(self, nu, description, quantity, price_per_item):

        # All Required data attributes
        self.__part_number = nu
        self.__part_description = description
        self.__quantity = quantity
        self.__price_per_item = price_per_item

    # Providing property of each data attribute

    def part_number(self):
        return self.__part_number

    def part_number(self, num):
        self.__part_number = num

    def part_description(self):
        return self.__part_description

    def part_description(self, description):
        self.__part_description = description

    def quantity(self):
        return self.__quantity

    def quantity(self, quantity):
        # Validating that quantity must be non-negative
        if quantity >= 0:
            self.__quantity = quantity

    def price_per_item(self):
        return self.__price_per_item

    def price_per_item(self, price_per_item):
        if price_per_item >= 0:
            self.__price_per_item = price_per_item

    # calculate_invoice method

    def calculate_invoice(self):
        return self.__quantity * self.__price_per_item

# testing Invoice class

invoice = Invoice(1, 'Sports Shirts and Shorts', 5, 100)
print('Part Number:', invoice.part_number)
print('Part Description:', invoice.part_description)
print('Quantity:', invoice.quantity)
print('Price Per Item: $', invoice.price_per_item)
print('Total: $', invoice.calculate_invoice())

Sample Output:-


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