
In: Biology

What types of support services should hospitals provide to assist couples who have experienced a loss...

What types of support services should hospitals provide to assist couples who have experienced a loss of pregnancy? What should the role of the nurse be in establishing these services and supporting the affected couples?


Expert Solution


                If a couple who have experienced a loss of pregnancy then health care provider can provide the following information. These include-

A health care provider may be able to:

  • To help cope with grief.
  • They can explain why the baby did not survive.
  • Discuss with the woman if or when they want to become pregnant again.
  • Discuss with details of the risk that will happen in a future pregnancy.
  • Assist with accessing support or formal therapy.
  • Help the entire family unit at the time of miscarriage, so they can move on in a healthy way.

Role of nurse-

Miscarriage or loss of a pregnancy is not only lost the baby but also a loss of future hopes and expectation. After a miscarriage, women have at increased risk of developing anxiety and depression. At that time nurses play an important role to take care of this parent and their families to recover in a healthy way.

First, the nurse should make a bond with the patients and spent enough time with them, so that they can discuss their emotions and show support and don’t try to avoid their discussion at that time.

Secondly, the nurse should always encourage the couples to do everything that makes feel happy and told them that does not to feel guilty about these things.

And also told the family that celebrating some joys is not bad to their loss instead of this help the healing process.

Sometimes follow up call with couple should require to determining the patient's mental state and whether they need any further referrals.

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