what are the primary assistive technology approaches to
assisting individuals who have visual field problems
- The assistive technology approaches
in assisting individuals who have visual field problems are
mobility aids and visual aids :
- Mobility aids:
mobility aids are employed for individual habe low visual fields or
who have blindness. It becomes difficult for the visually impaired
to orient themselves with respect to the environment. Mobility aids
are in the form of long canes, the most common type of visual aid.
These are standard and hell in maximising tactile as well as
auditory inputs. These may be in the form of electronically
augmented canes. Navigation aids are also in the form of hand held
as well as body mounted obstacle detections. Devices as well as the
orientation devices. There is also development of tGPS enabled
mobility aids.
- Navigation aids based on the
adaptations with the environment is where there would be talking
- There are also presence of special
purpose visual aids for example devices of of self care that
includes Braille tape, portable note takers or portable paper money
- Devices for work as well as school
where audible devices would be used for assisting to determine
depth. Many of the devices also include tactile visions. There is
also availability of oscillatoscopes.
- There is also presence of devices
for leisure as well as play in the form of beeper balls or softball
like games.