In: Statistics and Probability
A person has 3000 bananas and a camel. The person wants to transport maximum number of bananas to a destination which is 1000 KMs away, using only the camel as a mode of transportation. The camel cannot carry more than 1000 bananas at a time and eats a banana every km it travels. What is the maximum number of bananas that can be transferred to the destination using only camel?
Total Banana=3000
1000 bananas per trip
we have to shift to 100km
so camel need to take atleast 3 trips.
so camel have to travel like
starting point is #0
Total 5 banana required for each km. and we will shift 2000 to distance first
we shift all bananas to 200 km.
Means at 200km point we will have 2000 bananas.
next we need 2 trips from#200 point
so we required 3 bananas per kms.
we will shift bananas to xkm from 200km. and at the end of xkm we will have 1000 bananas
2000-3d =1000
means d=333.33
so we can take 334km from #200point
So total distance travelled.
334+200 =534kms
balance distance have to travel = 1000-534 =466km.
balance banana = (3000-((200*3)+(334*3)) = 998 bananas
we need to travel 466 km and 998 bananas we have
so remaining bananas when camel reach in destination=998-466=532 banans.
maximum number of bananas can be tranffered to desitination is 532
3000------------->2000 bananas distance travelled 200km
2000------------>998 bananas distance travelled 334km, and total distance travelled =200+334=534kms
998------------->532 bananas, distance travelled 466km, and total distance travelled is =534+466 =1000kms