In: Physics
ques - Explain graphically and intuitively why Wicksell rotation is inefficient and why it is longer than Faustmann rotation. Be detailed in whatever you write.
The Wicksellian rotation refers to the age at which a stand of even-aged trees will be harvested one time only. When timber price and regeneration costs are constant, the Wicksellian rotation length "aw" is constant, determined implicitly as the solution to the following equation, as in :
Va(aw)/V(aw)=r, Eq. (1)
where aw is the Wicksellian rotation length, r is the discount
rate, and V(a) and Va(a) are, respectively, the growth volume
function and its first derivative.
When timber prices evolve at a constant rate μ, the rotation length
remains constant and equal to the implicit solution of the
Va(aw)/V(aw)=δ, Eq. (2)
which is the same as Eq. (1), where r is replaced by δ=r−μδ to
account for a price increase resulting in higher rotation
When timber prices p are constant and it is possible to plant the
land and harvest the stand an unlimited number of times according
to the Faustmann’s setting, the rotation length aF, referred to as
the static Faustmann’s rotation length, is constant from one
rotation to the next. This is determined implicitly by the
following Faustmann’s rule as, for instance :
(Va(aF)/V(aF)) −(D/p)= r/(1−e^(−raF) ), Eq. (3)
Where, D is the constant regeneration cost.
The static Faustmann’s rotation depends on the timber price level
as long as the regeneration cost D is positive. In this situation,
one known implication is that a one-time rise in the timber price
level implies a decrease in the Faustmann’s rotation length. An
increase in timber revenues, therefore, makes longer rotations less
attractive. Note that when the regeneration cost is equal to zero
or accounted for in the timber price, the Faustmann’s rotation
length is independent of the price level as it is determined
implicitly as the solution to:
Va(aF)/V(aF)=r/(1−e^(−raF)), Eq.(4)
When timber prices evolve at a constant rate μ and regeneration costs are absent or accounted for in timber prices, the rotation length remains constant and equal to afaf, the implicit solution of the equation:
Va(af)/V(af) =δ/(1−e^(−δaf)) , Eq. (5)
where δ=r−μ. It can be shown that δ(1−e^(−δaf)) is decreasing in
δ for a given age a. Therefore, Eq. (5) admits a higher solution
for the rotation length when δ decreases (or μ increases). Hence,
the rotation length increases when the price rate of change μ
increases. This result holds when regeneration costs are
Some confusion exists in the literature with respect to timber
price impact on forest rotation length. To clear up this confusion,
it is important to distinguish between a one-time static increase
in the price change rate and its impact on the rotation length on
the one hand, and the continuous increase of timber prices in time
and their impact on successive rotation lengths on the other. For
instance, when timber prices increase exponentially at a constant
rate in the presence of constant regeneration costs, succeeding
rotation lengths continuously decrease over time. Under these
conditions, successive rotation lengths converge after some
rotations to a certain length that can be higher or lower than the
static Faustmann’s rotation length aF. However, when timber prices
are rising or stochastic and a conversion of the site to an
alternative use is possible, changes over time in the optimal
rotation lengths remain uncertain.
The three graphs below shows the revenue generated,yield produced and rate of return vs the the length of rotation.