
In: Computer Science

Create a class Ticket that assigns a ticketNumber to each new ticket in order, starting with...

  • Create a class Ticket that assigns a ticketNumber to each new ticket in order, starting with 1000 and increasing consecutively (ie 1001, 1002 …).
  • It should have methods:
    • public Ticket(String ticketHolder)
    • public int getTicketNumber()
    • public String getTicketHolder()
    • public static int getTicketCount() // return number of Tickets created
  • Fill in the code needed for each of these methods.
  • Define whatever private variables needed to implement this.
  • You do not need to create additional public methods outside of those listed above.


Expert Solution

Hello dear....

Here is the java program for the given task. I have also written comments for better understanding. Also attached images of output and code for comfort of reading. Hope you will like it.

//Driver class to test the Ticket class methods
class Driver{
        //main method
        public static void main(String args[]){
                //creating two tickets with 2 different ticketHolders
                Ticket t1 = new Ticket("Uday");
                Ticket t2 = new Ticket("Kiran");

                //printing the returned value of our class functions of 2 Tickets
                System.out.println( t1.getTicketNumber() + "-" + t1.getTicketHolder() );
                System.out.println( t2.getTicketNumber() + "-" + t2.getTicketHolder() );
                //print number of tickets created
                System.out.println( "Number of Tickets created - " + t1.getTicketCount() );
                //creating another Ticket
                Ticket t3 = new Ticket("Jayanthi");
                //printing the returned value of our class functions of 3rd Ticket
                System.out.println( t3.getTicketNumber() + "-" + t3.getTicketHolder() );
                //print number of tickets created
                System.out.println( "Number of Tickets created - " + t1.getTicketCount() );


//Creating class Ticket
public class Ticket{
        //intializing private varibles to store data
        private static int count = 0;
        private int ticketNumber = 1000;
        private String ticketHolder = "";
        //Ticket class construtor
        public Ticket(String ticketHolder){
                this.ticketHolder = ticketHolder;
                //assign ticket number according to ticket count
                ticketNumber += count;
        //method to return ticket number
        public int getTicketNumber(){
                return ticketNumber;
        //method to return ticket holder name
        public String getTicketHolder(){
                return ticketHolder;
        //method to return ticket count
        public static int getTicketCount(){
                return count;



Code image:

Hope you understood the program. If you have any doubts ask me in comments.

If you like my work, please give me a like and feedback. That helps me a lot. Thank you.

All the best.

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