
In: Statistics and Probability

Present the six tasks below in 12-point font with particular attention given to APA style. Use...

Present the six tasks below in 12-point font with particular attention given to APA style. Use the terms between, among, and statistically significant carefully! Remember, the text PDF files contain APA examples.

  1. Using APA style, write a clear and concise sentence that presents the mean and standard deviation data from deliverable one.

Deliverable 1

For each group listed in the table below, list the following (to two decimal places - e.g., 17.54)

1. Mean

2. Median

3. Mode

4. Standard deviation (sample)

5. Variance (sample)

6. n (count)

7. df (degrees of freedom) - hint df = n - 1

Boys Girls
5 2
14 0
9 1
6 3
8 6
10 1
12 0
16 2
14 4
15 1
17 1
16 0
12 3
10 3
11 7
14 1
18 1
19 9
20 0
13 3
  1. Using APA style, write a clear and concise sentence that presents the Person Product Moment Correlation results from deliverable two.

Deliverable 2

Pearson Correlation

Use the Pearson Correlation to analyze the data below.

1. Report the strength (number) of the correlation.

2. Is the correlation statistically significant (alpha .05 two-tailed)?

income $ fireworks $
5000 500
10000 450
15000 400
20000 350
25000 300
30000 250
35000 200
40000 150
45000 100
50000 50
55000 25
60000 20
65000 15
70000 10
75000 5
80000 2
85000 1
90000 0
95000 0
100000 0
105000 0
110000 0
115000 0
120000 0
125000 0
130000 0
135000 0
140000 0
145000 0
  1. Using APA style, write two clear and concise sentences that present (1) the mean and standard deviation data from deliverable three and (2) the results from the t test in deliverable three.

Independent-Measures t Statistic (2 sample assuming = variances)

For the data below -

  1. Write H0
  2. Write H1
  3. Compute and report the results for the t statistic (using Excel) (hint also compute descriptive statistics to help with d6); use (α = .05) – two tailed - 2 sample assuming = variances)
  4. Retain or reject H0
flashcards no flashcards
32 16
30 22
29 24
35 20
29 25
38 31
30 23
39 19
27 20
33 21
36 18
30 20
35 23
40 24
37 18
36 22
30 17
34 26
36 17
31 22
  1. Using APA style, write a clear and concise sentence that presents the ANOVA results from deliverable four.
  2. Create an APA style table that presents the mean and standard deviation data for the three conditions from deliverable four.

Deliverable 4


For the data below -

  1. Write H0
  2. Write H1
  3. Compute and report the F statistic ANOVA (using Excel); use (α = .05) - ANOVA (single factor); hint also compute descriptive statistics to help with d6 (2 points)
  4. Retain or reject H0

condition 1

condition 2

condition 3
















  1. Using APA style, write a clear and concise sentence that presents the Tukey HSD results from deliverable five.

Deliverable 5

Based on the findings for deliverable four, determine if a post hoc test is necessary. If necessary:

  1. Run and report the results for the Tukey HSD
  2. Present the M and SD (in table form) for each condition; use the Excel ANOVA variance for the basis of these calculations!
  3. Identify which conditions have an honestly significant difference.


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